- Halticoptera letitiaen. 微隆赘须金小蜂
- Letitia pondered on an obscurity in these words. 利蒂霞思索着这些话中的费解之处。
- Letitia replied to the off-hand inquiry. 利蒂霞这么回答了这个唐突的问题。
- Letitia tried another neutral theme. 利蒂霞又打算谈另一个无关大局的话题。
- Next he bent his deliberate steps to Letitia. 接着,他迈着小心翼翼的步伐去找利蒂霞。
- Letitia's eyes were widened and fixed. 利蒂霞两眼圆睁,凝视不动。
- Taylor, Letitia Anne Peplau, David O. 放大图片 作者: Shelley E.
- Taylor, Letitia Anne Peplau, Sears, David O. 书名/作者 Social psychology /Shelley E.
- Sears, Letitia Anne Peplau, Shelley E.Taylor. 书名/作者 Social psychology /David O.
- Freedman, Jonathan L.Peplau, Letitia Anne. 个人著者 Sears; David O.
- Letitia Baldrige's new complete guide to executive manners. 丛书项:企业人完全礼仪手册:商业社交礼仪.
- Had the impulsive and desperate girl spoken out to Letitia to the fullest? 是不是那个容易冲动又好走极端的姑娘把一切都告诉了利蒂霞?
- If the whole place were swept away tomorrow, Letitia Dale could reconstruct it. 如果明天这里全部被夷为平地,利蒂霞·戴尔也能够重建它。
- Letitia Baldrige, who served as Social Secretary for first lady Jackie Kennedy, has been attending inaugural balls since the 1940s. 利蒂希亚.;鲍德里奇曾经担任美国第一夫人杰奎琳
- But no matter which inaugural balls Mr. Obama attends, Letitia Baldrige says all the events are an exciting way to celebrate a new presidency. 鲍德里奇说,无论奥巴马出席哪一场舞会,所有的活动都是在以令人兴奋的方式庆祝新总统就职。
- Halticoptera ovoidean. 卵球赘须金小蜂
- Halticoptera hippeusn. 光柄赘须金小蜂
- Halticopteran. 赘须金小蜂属
- Halticoptera gladiatan. 剑腹赘须金小蜂
- Halticoptera brevisn. 短腹赘须金小蜂