- One of the Shenzhan Hakka cultural charactristics is "no respect to God" and less building of temples but more stress on respect to fathers and geomantic omen cultures. 摘要深圳客家文化特色之一,就是“淡泊神明”,淡泊偶像神明,少建寺庙,却比较重视祖先崇拜和风水文化。
- Globalization is a sward of double edges, which is not only a good opportunity but also a severe challenge to Hakka culture. 全球化是一柄双刃剑,对客家文化而言,既是机遇又是挑战。
- Finally it finds that the harmony among the Hakka culture and She, Yao Zhuang culture is the base for the progressive society. 最后用客家文化和舍族、瑶族甚至和壮族文化相融合所产生的文化来解释这些现象。
- Hakka culture and people are said to have migrated southward along the Huaihe River, across Anhui, to Fujian and Jiangxi. 惠州客家先民南迁路线大致沿淮河、过安徽、抵福建、江西、到广东梅州一带,再转到惠州。
- Hakka music is the important component of Hakka culture, which embodies the aesthetic pursuit of the Hakka people. 客家音乐是客家文化的重要组成部分,它承载了客家人的审美追求。
- This article is a study on how immigration affects the development of Hakka culture from historical point of view. 从客家独特的移民历史 ,通过客家文化的历史成因 ,客家文化的形成与发展 ,探讨移民行为与客家文化特色的因果关系 ,探讨作为一种移民类型的客家文化的历史经验 ;
- As to the existent problems, this paper puts forward some measures concerning the protection of Hakka culture. 针对开发中存在的问题,就如何保护赣南客家文化提出了一些对策。
- Heyuan belong to the Hakka language, a unique Hakka folk customs and rich resources of Hakka culture. 河源属于客家语系地区,有独特的客家民俗风情和丰富的客家文化资源。
- But in the course of tourism exploitation,the protection of Hakka culture doesn't get the due emphasis. 但在赣南开发客家文化旅游资源时,客家文化的保护未能受到足够的重视。
- Through ICRT's broadcasts, we hope to help people all over the world gain a better understanding of Hakka culture. 透过 ICRT 广播,使来自各国的外籍人士对客家语言及文化有更深一层的认识。
- As to the existent problems,this paper puts forward some measures concerning the protection of Hakka culture. 针对开发中存在的问题,就如何保护赣南客家文化提出了一些对策。
- Analysis on Hakka Cultural Geography 客家文化地理浅析
- To seek the Hakka female images is helpful to enter the history of Hakka culture and know about how the ethnic group characters generate and develop. 对客家女性形象的寻找和发现,有助于我们走进客家文化的历史语境,来认知族群人物性格的生成和建构。
- Meinong ground tea has kept the health-preserving Hakka culture and hope to share with you Hakka ancestors' wisdom and the spirit of Zen. 美浓擂茶以传承客家养生文化与送礼送健康的理念,与您分享古人养生智慧与生活的禅意。
- Hakka culture was formed during their migration southward from central China plain area and gradually blending with aboriginal culture. 客家文化是由中原南迁的汉民族所带的中原文化与土著文化相互交融而产生的。
- Meinong is a very typical Hakka farming community.This is why when the protests began many elements of Hakka culture were employed. 美浓是一个非常典型的客家农村社会,所以后来在进行抗争的时候,运用到很多客家的文化元素。
- The reasons that such status can be formed and Hakka culture can be preserved in Changting are much relevance to geographical condition. 客家迁移的时空跨度较大,长汀作为迁移过程中的一个结点,逐步发展成为"客家首府",其地位成因同地理环境有着密不可分的关系。
- As one of the major residences of Hakka people,Ganzhou is endowed with colorful Hakka culture,which lays a solid foundation for the development of Ganzhou's tourism industry. 赣南是客家人的主要聚居地之一,有着绚丽多姿的客家文化,这为赣南旅游业的发展提供了良好的资源基础。
- As one of the major residences of Hakka people, Ganzhou is endowed with colorful HakKa culture, which lays a solid foundation for the development of Ganzhou's tourism industry. 摘要赣南是客家人的主要聚居地之一,有着绚丽多姿的客家文化,这为赣南旅游业的发展提供了良好的资源基础。
- Taiping Heavenly Kingdom originated in Hakka mountain area of Guangxi province, which branded Hakka culture and Hakka psychology on Taiping's political culture. 太平天国发源于广西客家山区,为太平天国政治文化刻上了客家文化和客家族群心态的烙印。