- Hainan modem society 海南近代社会
- Identification has just become a chief expression of irony in modem society. 认同正成为现代社会中反讽的最主要表现之一。
- The perfection of personality in modem society presupposes the construction and perfection of legality. 现代社会的人格完善以法制本身的建设与完善为前提。
- The development of green farm produce possess very important signification in modem society. 摘要阐述了发展绿色农产品产业重大意义。
- In the first part of this article I analyzed the origin of Quebec issue and its development in modem society. 本文第一部分叙述了魁北克问题的历史渊源与当代演进。
- The trend of internationalization of intellectual property in modem society is more and more obvious. 摘要当代的知识产权国际化趋势越来越明显。
- The heterogeneity and complexity of modem society determinates its experience-oriented way and paradigm. 现代社会的异质性和复杂性决定著现代社会科学的经验性路径和范式。
- The bigamy is an illegal activity in the marital, incompatible with the monogyny in the modem society. 重婚,是婚姻中的违法行为,与一夫一妻制的现代文明婚姻制度水火不容。
- Historical limitations of traditional Chinese national coherency encounter huge challenge in modem society. 摘要传统中华民族凝聚力具有种种的历史局限性,也正因为这些局限,今天遭遇了巨大挑战。
- Moreover, in modem society, the right to rest is a fundamental right of workers closely relate with the right to work. 在现代社会,休息权还是劳动者应当享有的与劳动权密切相关的一项基本权利。
- Library union is a survival mode as well as a direction of libraries in the modem society. 摘要图书馆联盟是图书馆在现代社会中的生存模式,也是当今图书馆发展的方向。
- The Opium War of 1840 forced China to transform from traditional society to modem society. 摘要1840年鸦片战争迫使中国由传统社会向现代社会转型。
- Through pastiche, the text imitates styles of different writers and artists to highlight the alienating and chaotic nature of modem society. 文本仿作了历代文豪的文体和其他艺术形式,揭示了反英雄主题和现代精神危机。
- Although it is the outcome of a certain historical background, civicism represents a basic human quality in modem society. 公民精神虽产生于一定的历史时期,但它表达了现代社会人的基本素质。
- Locke's ideas on the power balance are still inspiring in modem societies. 洛克权力制衡思想对现代社会仍然具有启发意义。
- Abstract: Human resource is the headspring to an enterprise which has continuous competition, and it is also the core resource to modem society. 摘要人力资源是企业持续竞争之源,是现代社会核心资源之一。
- The encrpytion techniques of early videoconferencing system based on H.320 protocol can not satisfy requirement of security in modem society. 摘要早期H.;320视频会议系统所提供的加密技术已不能满足当今社会的安全需求。
- This paper discussed the application of modem elements in the modem society from digitization, fashion, sustainability, and forward looking of design. 从数字化、时尚性、可持续性、设计的前瞻性四个方面,阐述了当今社会的现代元素在包装设计中的应用。
- Integrity is the basic rule and norm in modem society,is the basis of all morality,and is the foundation of a person, a career and a country. 诚信是当今社会为人处事的基本行为准则和规范,是一切道德的基础,是立人之本、立业之本、立国之本。
- Along with the request of modem society, the innovational education has already become a new teaching orientation in English subject. 随着社会发展对高素质人才的需求,创新教育已成为英语学科教学改革的一个新思路。