- Haemaphysalis goral 青羊血蜱
- Haemaphysalis longicornis was a prevailing species of Ixodidae in the region. 该地区蜱类以长角血蜱为优势种,该蜱中肠携带莱姆病螺旋体率为12。
- Haemaphysalis longicornis only appeared in hot summer from June to September. 长角血蜱只有1个高峰期,在5-9月。
- White shoulders carved, golden eagle, goral, leopard, etc. the list is valuable. 白肩雕、金雕、斑羚、金钱豹等均属珍贵之列。
- Most of the above ports have goral promotional opportunities (opportunity of promotion). 上述大多数职位都有良好的晋升机会。
- Objective To study whether two strains of Haemaphysalis qinghaiensis had genomic DNA differences. 目的研究青海血蜱是否有种型差异。
- Haemaphysalis longicornis,testes,accessory gland complex,development,protein juvenile hormone,molting hormone. 20长角血蜱;精巢;附腺;发育;蛋白质;保幼激素;蜕皮激素
- The decrease in food production meant that the entire system, which depended on Goral for food stock, had to be supplied by merchants or face starvation. 粮食产量骤减,这意味着整个依靠戈拉尔来提供粮食的星系,不得不依靠粮食商人,否则就会面临严重的饥荒。
- Haemaphysalis bispinosis and Ixodes granulatus were proved to be important vectors of B.b.s.l. in the southern area of China. 我国北方林区莱姆病螺旋体的主要生物媒介是全沟硬蜱,南方林区二棘血蜱和粒形硬蜱是重要的生物媒介。
- The polymorphism DNA of the two strains of Haemaphysalis qinghaiensis was compared,and their diversities were analyzed on DN... 结果青海血蜱两个地理株大部分DNA条带是相同的,少数DNA条带不同。结论两个地理株青海血蜱DNA存在着差异。
- It is the first report that Borrelia burgdorferi isolated from Haemaphysalis cornigera taiwana in east Guangdong province. 结论:从媒介蜱类分离出莱姆病螺旋体,在广东尚属首次,证实该地为莱姆病流行区。
- Morphology of adults, nymphs, larvaes and eggs of parthenogenetic Haemaphysalis longicornis were observed with scanning electron microscope (SEM). 摘要用扫描电镜对采自四川地区孤雌生殖的长角血蜱的各期虫体及虫卵进行了形态学观察。
- Morphology of adults,nymphs,larvaes and eggs of parthenogenetic Haemaphysalis longicornis were observed with scanning electron microscope(SEM). 用扫描电镜对采自四川地区孤雌生殖的长角血蜱的各期虫体及虫卵进行了形态学观察。
- Yang yinshu、Wang xiangsheng、Li decang,The first discovery of haemaphysalis conicinna[J].The proceedings of veterinary university,1:24,1990(in Chinese). 杨银书,王祥生,李德昌.;安徽省首次发现嗜群血蜱[J]
- The goral, the common name “the goral”, the coat color greyish brown, the vigilance is high, likes jumping on the sheer precipice, it does not have the beard with the family sheep biggest difference. 斑羚,俗名“青羊”,毛色灰褐,警觉性高,喜欢在悬崖峭壁上跳跃,它与家羊最大的区别是没有胡须。
- One notable incident occurred on the small agricultural world of Goral, where a Gallente Titan moving into orbit caused an abrupt shift in tides, which flooded crop fields and farmland. 最有名的事件就是盖伦特的泰坦级飞船飞行到一个小型农业行星戈拉尔的近地轨道时,陡然间引起了剧烈的潮汐变化,并淹没了所有的原野和农田。
- The tested sheep was infected artificially by the Haemaphysalis qinghaiensis ticks collected from Gansu province and the changes about the symptoms,hematology and antibody were observed. 用从甘肃采集的甘肃血蜱人工感染试验羊,观察其临床症状、血液学及抗体水平的变化。
- The tested sheep was infected artificially by the Haemaphysalis qinghaiensis ticks collected from Gansu province and the changes about the symptoms, hematology and antibody were observed. 摘要用从甘肃采集的甘肃血蜱人工感染试验羊,观察其临床症状、血液学及抗体水平的变化。
- Winter food habits of gorals (Naemorhedus goral) were studied with feces by microhistology techniques in Longkou Nature Reserve of Heilongjiang Province in 2003. 摘要2003年冬季,在黑龙江龙口自然保护区,使用粪便显微组织学分析技术,对斑羚冬季食性进行了研究,结果表明,杨、紫椴、蒙古柞、苔草是斑羚冬季的主要食物。
- Habitat Selection by Long-tailed Goral in Spring and Winter 唐家河自然保护区斑羚春冬季对生境的选择