- Had moved up to brigade leader 当上大队长了
- The broker claimed that mining shares had moved up to a new level. 经纪人声称,矿业股票的行市已上升到新的水平。
- "Hispanics have moved up to be about eight percent [of the electorate] and Asian-Americans about six percent," he said. 他说:“拉美裔选民目前已经上升到选民总数的百分之八,亚裔也上升到百分之六。
- In the new wave of economic globalization, competition in the world market has moved up to a new level. 在经济全球化的浪潮下,全球市场竞争的层次提高到崭新的水平。
- By lap 26, Senna had moved up into second position. 到第二十六圈时,赛娜已经追到了第二的位置上。
- Someone who has moved up to a solid semiprofessional level needs to start pushing up his account size to increase profits. 那些已经达到半专业人士水平的人则要开始利用大账户提高利润。
- Lead: firmer. Value move up to their best level since last year. 铅:较坚挺。价格上升到去年以来的最高点。
- The broker claimed that mining shares had moved up to a new level 经纪人声称,矿业股票的行市已上升到新的水平。
- They could move up to a new level of efficiency. 它们可以提高效率到一个新的水平。
- He was just moved up to the top football class. 他刚升级进入顶级足球俱乐部。
- Just move up to and into the poster. 你向它靠近并进入招贴画。
- Then he moved up to foreman, running crews of 50 to 100. 接着他升任工头,管理五十至一百个工人。
- The cost of raw materials has moved up greatly, so have prices of living. 原材料的成本大大涨价,生活费也迅速提高。
- All that morning as they had moved up the river he had been noting the direction in which they marched. 这一上午,他一边顺着河走,一边暗暗留意队伍前进的方向。
- Now the interest of usury is moving up to $3,000. 现在高利贷的利息已经达到%243;000.
- The Confederates had moved up through Tennessee into the broader border state of Kentucky. 联盟已穿过田纳西,转移到更广阔的肯塔基州。
- Value moves up to their best level since last year. 价格上升到去年以来的最高点。
- The Confederate Confederates had moved up through Tennessee into the border state of Kentucky. 南部同盟经由田纳西进入了位于边境的肯塔基州。
- Troops are moving up to the combat zone. 部队正向战场开拔。
- The Confederates had moved up through Tennessee into the border state of Kentucky. 南方同盟军由田纳西州移向至肯塔基州的边境地带。