- Hackers On Planet Earthn. 地球黑客
- They have been a part of life since its inception on planet Earth. 从一开始它们就是地球生物的一部分。
- Go to some of the hottest places on planet earth, and you can find a sparrow. 他们都是麻雀,你有想过麻雀的适应力有多大吗?
- Is this aimlessness in line with a Darwinian view of life on planet Earth? 这个无目标性和达尔文式看待地球生物的观点,是否有异曲同工之妙?
- LIFE on planet earth today is a despairing scene of righteousness in reverse. 现今地球这个行星上的生活是一幅正义颠倒的绝望景象。
- Why do a billion people on planet earth, and more than that believe He was God, coming in human flesh? 为甚么地球上数以十亿计的人,相信他是道成肉身的神?
- He is always telling us that we can be more, do more so that our lives glorify God on planet earth. 祂总告诉我们,我们能成就更多,能变得更好,以致在我们的一生,能在世上荣耀神。
- Darkness is no color. You can change any color on planet earth with the right lights. 在黑暗里没有颜色,加上适当的亮度就能改变色彩。
- Comet dust rained down on planet Earth last August, streaking through dark skies in the annual Perseid meteor shower. 8月末将有一场流星雨降落地球,这就是一年一次的英仙座流星雨。
- Yes, the purpose of the incarnation was to turn the human race into His creative children on planet earth. 神的目标,道成肉身就是要把人类变成地球上有创意的生物,而不只是蛮荒动物。
- Explanation: Baringer Meteorite Crater, near Winslow, Arizona, is one of the best known impact craters on planet Earth. 说明: 巴林格陨石坑位于亚利桑那州温斯洛附近,是地球上最著名的撞击坑之一。
- The sun is the source of energy for everything on planet earth, all life, all weather, and all activity that we know. 太阳是地球上万物的能量之源,包括我们知道的所有生命、所有天气和所有的活动。
- It's about the largest most well-organized despotic, brutally tyrannical regime on planet earth. 这是关于这个地球上最大的有组织**的,残暴统治的政权。
- But this devastation pales in comparison to the havoc that the military is now capable of wreaking on planet earth. 但是相对于美国现在所拥有的对地球的破坏力来说,这算是小巫见大巫。
- Unfortunately, it is considered as one of the most venomous creatures on planet Earth. 不幸的是它被认为是地球上最恶毒的动物之一。
- On planet Earth, PAHs are widely encountered as the sooty products of combustion. 在地球上,燃烧之后经常能出现焦黑色的产物那就是多环芳烃。
- God loves every human being He has created on planet earth, and God wants each of us to live the joyful life that He designed us to live. 神虽恨恶罪,祂却爱罪人,祂爱祂所创造的每一个人,要活出神想你活出的人生。
- Your mission is to learn how well your new body is designed to deal with life on planet Earth and how to look after your human body. 你的任务是去了解自己这个新的身体如何适应地球的生活,和学会怎样照顾自己的身体。
- He issued the card of recruit hacker on illusive forum. 他便在幻影论坛上发出了招募黑客的帖子。
- It is all part of Mother Nature and it is all coordinated into great beauty on Planet Earth even in times of overdevelopment by man. 它是自然母亲所有的部分并且它是在伟大的美丽的行星地球上甚至有人类过度开发并进入全面调整的时期。