- Habitat Conservation Area 生态保护区
- The sixth chapter disserts the Yunnan snub-nosed monkey"s habitat planning (core area and the corridor of the monkey) according to the theories of landscape planning and conservation area planning. 第六部分根据景观生态规划原理和滇金丝猴动物行为的专家知识,对滇金丝猴栖息地进行核心区和生态廊道规划。
- For Chinese alligator 's conservation , genetic conservation is as important as habitat conservation . 对于扬子鳄的保护;除了重建扬子鳄的生境外;其遗传保护也同样重要.
- The district is under consideration for designation as a conservation area. 正在考虑将这个地区指定为保护区。
- Anti-illegal-hunting activities are being held in this conservation area. 这个自然保护区正在开展反盗猎行动。
- New cars decorated Habitat Conservation (jewelry) shops, beauty cars decorated conservation advocacy of "home" of the new service model for You Juzu provide one-stop-class personal butler service. 新车居汽车装饰养护(饰品)店,倡导汽车美容装饰养护的"家居化"新型服务模式,为有车族提供一站式管家级的贴身服务。
- To carry out within the conservation area landslip preventive works which include earthworks for slopes. 自然保育区内进行防止山泥倾泻工程,包括土木工事。
- Shape of furnace structure, the whole site is protected within the conservation area of Chek Lap Kok Island. 铸炉遗迹的外貌,整个遗址保留在赤角岛的环境保护区内。
- The function area was subdivided into 2 parts: Lake shoal protection area covering 334 km2; wetland landscape and water biodiversity conservation area. 该区分为二个子区:湖滨滩地保护区:面积334平方公里。湿地景观与生物多样性保护区:面积2291平方公里。
- We wanted to visit Anping Castle again, check out Meinong Township in Hakka country, and stop at the Mangrove Conservation Area. 我们想再度参观安平古堡,到美浓镇的客家庄走走,再到红树林保育区休息一下。
- To carry out natural terrain hazard mitigation works involving earthworks within country park and conservation area. 天然山坡灾害防护工程,涉及在郊野公园及自然保育区内之土木工事。
- Gunnison Gorge National Conservation Area is adjacent to Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park. 甘尼森国家保护区与甘尼森黑峡谷国家公园相邻。
- The geographical distribution and floristic features of the orchids in the Wolong Nature Conservation Area. 四川卧龙自然保护区兰科植物的地理分布和区系特点.
- Notes on soil dematiaceous hyphomycetes from Shennongjia Natural Conservation Area,Hubei Province I. - 湖北神农架自然保护区土壤中的暗色丝孢菌I.
- Projects including earthworks and building works in a conservation area at Lamma Island. 南丫岛自然保育区内的工程项目,包括挖泥工程及建筑工程。
- WWF Hong Kong submitted a rezoning proposal to designate the Tai Tong stream course as a Conservation Area in early 2000. 世界自然基金会于2000年年初提交重订分区用途的建议,提议把大棠河道划为自然保育区。
- Under the cover of darkness, a butterfly with folded wings rests gracefully on a leaf in the Danum Valley Conservation Area in Sabah, Borneo. 在婆罗洲的沙巴的丹浓谷保护区中,一只蝴蝶正在夜幕的掩护下优雅的在一片叶子上合翅休息。
- The proposed herbal theme park may also induce further development and destroy the unique conservation area at Wu Kau Tang. 建议兴建的中药港更可能加速区内其他发展,进一步破坏该处的独特生态环境。
- The animal is not used to the hotness of its new habitat yet. 这个动物还不习惯新栖息地的炎热。
- Rai was the official who formally handed over the management of Kanchenjunga Conservation Area (KCA) to a council of local communities. 赖伊是将干城章嘉峰保护区(KCA)的经营权正式送交给当地社区议会的人。