- HVR-Z1C摄录一体机HVR - Z1 C Video Camcorder
- 肾型IBV山东分离株S1高变区(HVR)的基因克隆与序列分析The gene cloning and sequence analysis of IBV S1 hypervariable region in Shandong
- 由其编码的HCV外膜蛋白N端存在两个高变部位(HVR),在HVR内、外具有几个保守氨基酸残基和氨基酸区域,它们与外膜蛋白空间构型的维持有关。There are two hypervariable regions (HVR) at the N terminus of envelope protein encoded by HCV E2/NS1 gene. Several relatively conserved amino acid residues and areas located in and out of HVR were also observed. They are concerned in maintenance of spatial conformation of HCV envelope protein, but their immune function remains to be further studied.
- 结果50株MRSA以基因高变区(HVR)分型,可分为A、B、C、D E 5种基因型,其中以B(47.3%)和D(32.1%)型多见,A(3.5%)、C(10.7%)、E(6.4%)型少见,当退火温度改变时,则不能分型;The difference of two genotypes was observed according to the change of the fragments of amplified products when the annealing temperature was changed. Results 50 strains of MRSA were defferentiated into the genotpyes of A,B,C,D and E based on HVR genotypes and into 10 genotypes on ERIC-2 polymorphism;