- HFDL High Frequency Data Link 高频数据链
- Very High Frequency Data Link Mode 2(VDLM2) 甚高频数据链模式2
- Research on Simulation of Very High Frequency Data Link Network Mode 2 甚高频数据链模式2网络仿真分析
- Bollerslev and Engle have some works on high frequency data. 请问这个算是高频数据的问题么?
- A dynamic adjusting method is presented when some additional information in the high frequency data is available. 文中提出了高频序列有补充信息时对低频预测结果的动态调整方法 .
- Unlike low frequency data,high frequency data has the calendar effects and long memory volatility. 与低频数据不同,高频数据通常具有“日历效应”和波动长记忆性。
- The application of my CPPLL is deserializer in video system, sampling high frequency data by low frequency clock to generate parallel low frequency data output. 通过对时钟的频率和相位的同步,多相位输出,来对高速串行数据进行解串,输出低速并行信号。
- After testing on weekday affect using the high frequency data, it is found that in Monday the return volatility of china stock market is the highest. 用五分钟高频数据对我国股市的周末效应进行检验后,发现我国股市在周一的收益波动率最大。
- With high frequency data and the market liquidity depth indicator VNET, the dynamic features and the determinative factors of market liquidity are studied, and the market microstructure theories are verified. 摘要使用超高频数据,并利用流动性深度指标,研究流动性的动态特征、影响因素以及检验市场微观结构理论,结果支持基于信息不对称下的市场微观结构理论。
- Research based on combination of high frequency data with Auto-regressive Conditional Duration (ACD) Model shows that ACD model can successfully describe the intensity of bargaining arrival. 摘要结合高频数据和自回归条件持续性(ACD)模型进行的研究表明:在中国市场,自回归条件持续性模型可以成功用来衡量交易到达的强度。
- Hubs and switches operate at the Data Link Layer. 开关运转枢纽和数据链路层。
- Arkbird Requesting sonobuoy data link. 请求给予声纳数据连接。
- AWACS Thunderhead Locked on! Begin data link! 锁定跟踪!开始数据转接!
- LAPD is a data link layer protocol based on HDLC. LAPD建基于HDLC之上,也属于资料链结层协定之一种。
- Small dissipation factor at high frequency. 高的频率和小的损耗因素.
- High Frequency Switch-mode Rectifier for. 通信用高频开关整流器。
- In a network, pertaining to devices, programs, or domains that are connected by a data link or that share common control. 在网络中,指由数据链路连接的或共享公共控制的设备、程序或区域。
- High Frequency and Temperature Stability. 高频及高温稳定。
- Linear and Stable High Frequency Characteristics. 稳定的线性高频特性。
- Level 2 corresponds to the OSI Layer 2 (Data Link Layer). 第 2 级对应于 OSI 第 2 层(数据链路层)。