- Medical tests showed that he was sterile. 医学检查表明他没有生育能力。
- An operation chamber should be completely sterile. 手术室应该完全无菌。
- The doctor kept his instruments sterile. 这位医生的器具是消过毒的。
- Patients were intravenously infused with 20 ml/kg of HES(6% HAES Steril 200/0 5) within 30 min. 麻醉平稳和各项监测完成后 1 0min ,在 30min内输注 6%25羟乙基淀粉 (HES) 2 0ml/kg。
- Pollen sterile blossoms lack normal turgor. 花粉不育的花朵缺乏正常的膨压现象。
- I hae neer met such saage manners. 我从未见过如此粗暴无礼的举止。
- The high risk of infection puts a premium on the use of sterile needles. 由於受感染的风险很大,无菌注射针的使用受到了重视。
- I hae read a Japanese translation of Hamlet. 我读过哈姆雷特的日文翻译本。
- Wed better hae a brief talk about the loading port. 我们最好能就装运港问题简短地谈一谈。
- The high risk of infection put a premium on the use of sterile needle. 由於受感染的风险很大,无菌注射针的使用受到了重视。
- Mostly the mountains were still sterile. 大多数山仍然光秃秃的。
- May you hae many dreams fulfilled. 祝你许多美梦都能成真。
- The negotiations proved to Be sterile. 谈判没有取得结果。
- You will never hae to make a chrysalis. 你永远不必变成蛹。
- She cannot bear children because she is sterile. 她患了不育症,所以不能生孩子。
- Earlier studies hae yielded ery different findings. 更早的研究有非常不同的发现。
- Incapable of producing offspring; sterile. 不生育的无生育后代之能力的; 无果实的
- These patients did not hae known cardiac disease. 他说:“这些病人并不知道自己有心脏病。
- An operating theatre should is completely sterile. 手术室应该完全无菌.
- We regret we hae to decline your offer. 很抱歉,我们不得不拒绝你方报盘。