- A good management system B / S model, and show to share. 一套不错的人员管理系统B/S模式;拿出来分享一下.
- This year' s car is an improvement on ( ie is better than ) last year' s model. 今年的汽车是去年型号的改进型.
- Both loading and unloading tests are conducted for determination of parameters of Duncan-Chang?s model. 对土样进行卸荷试验确定Duncan-Chang模型参数,并与加荷试验成果比较;
- This procedure is used to achieve a JAVA-based C / S model Gobang network Versus game. 本程序是用JAVA实现的一个基于C/S模式的五子棋网络对战游戏。
- In these circumstances, CONEG's model act requires the manufacturer to petition the state for an exemption. 在这种情况下;coneg的示范法规定;厂家请愿国家豁免.
- Based on it, both the fuzzy production planning model and Leachman''s model are constructed for comparison. 而后根据两个模式的执行结果,从不同的方向来对这两个模式作定性与定量的比较。
- A simple instant messaging program, C / S model, for beginners there is a very good reference value. 一个简单的即时通讯程序;C/S模型,对初学者有很好的参考意义.
- John Ziman"s model of post-academic science is a new paradigm to describe the social image of real science. 齐曼的“后学院科学”模型是描述现实科学社会形象的新范式。
- Denmark’s model of kindly rigour is still delivering extremely low unemployment, despite negative growth. 丹麦极具责任心的严格模式作用明显,尽管经济呈现负增长,丹麦依然保持着极低的失业率。
- In China, most Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) researchers focus on the study of Halliday"s model. 在中国, 对系统功能语言学派的研究多数集中于对M A K Halliday为主导的悉尼模式的研究。
- The system is based on ASP technology and the principle of network database, B / S model of online bookstore. 本系统是基于ASP技术和网络数据库的原理,B/S模式的网上书店。
- The relation between Cx activity and time accorded with power model, but which between BG activity and time could be displayed S model. C_N酶活性与反应时间的关系符合幂曲线模型,BG酶活性与反应时间的关系则符合S形曲线模型。
- Bekker’s model is used to describe the pressure-sinkage, and the Janosi model is used to describe the shear characteristics. 从月面巡视探测器的行驶观点出发,模拟压板试验,得出了载荷-沉降关系;
- Ms Wang of the hearing impaired support group and Ms Tang of the autistic classrooms presented JHF's model of community based therapy and education. 聋儿项目的王女士和自闭症班的唐女士在会上介绍了建华以社区为基础的康复和教育模式。
- This paper sets up highway culvert safety quality fuzzy evaluation?s model,and use it to evaluate highway culvert safety quality. 建立公路涵洞安全质量综合模糊评定模型,进行公路涵洞安全质量评价.
- Mr.Lutz, who is 77 years old and has spent most of this decade remaking GM's model line, had planned to retire this year. 卢茨现年77岁,近十年中大部分时间都在改造通用汽车的产品线,他本来计划今年退休。
- Secondly, the thesis tests the applicability of Hofstede"s model on joint ventures in Guangdong province by factor analysis. 接着用因子分析的方法检验了霍氏模型在广东省三资企业中的适用性;
- Was war der Plan? Ich hab 's schon vergessen. 这周还是按以前的时间表,新学期安排应该从17号开始。
- The varactor’s model and design are introduced too.Some other aspect, such as active devices, interconnect, substrate, will be studied concisely. 另外还简单介绍变容管的实 现和模型等方面的问题,并对其他工艺因素,如有源器件的性能,衬底和互联 的影响等做了一些探讨。
- First, the author contrasts several model of strategic cost management ,and choose Shank"s model as researching foundation. 本文首先对战略成本管理的几种模式进行了比较,并选择桑克模式作为研究基础。