- Guess where he comes from. 猜一猜他是哪里人。
- Have you any idea where he comes from? 他是哪里人,您知道不知道?
- I wonder who he is,where he come from and why he come. 我很想知道他是谁,从哪里来,来干什么。
- And when a Welsh person speaks, everyone knows at once where he comes from! 而只要威尔士人一开口,所有的人就会立刻知道此人来自何处。
- He stopped the man and demanded to know where he came from. 他挡住老人,查问他的来处。
- I don't know who he is or where he came from and that's a fact. 我不知道他是谁,是哪里人,这是事实。
- He would trun up at meetings, but Lord knows where he came from. 如果你足够细心,你会发现这里两个。
- I wonder who he is, where he came from and why he came. 我很想知道他是谁, 从哪里来, 来干什么。
- The announcer asked listeners to guess where he was speaking from. 节目主持人要听众们猜他是在什么地方说话的。
- Starting already from Saturday, when Roma arrive at the Olimpico: a kind of derby for Marchionni, seeing where he comes from. 为了周六在奥林匹克和罗马对决,赛前准备已经开始:考虑到出生地,对马尔基奥尼来说也是另类德比。
- Amnesiac : The character cannot remember anything about his past. Whether through psychological shock or a serious injury, he has no idea who he is or where he comes from. 失忆:角色忘却了自己过去的一切。无论是心理冲击还是严重的伤害,都无法使他复原。
- He comes from finland. So do they. 他从芬兰来。他们也是。
- He comes from a long line of actors. 他出生于一个历史悠久的演员世家。
- Based on his accent, I guess he comes from the State of Lu. 听口音像是鲁国人吧。
- He come from holland, but she come from Sweden. 他是荷兰来的,但她是瑞典来的。
- It is possible for someone living in a foreign land to feel attached to that place but remains a citizen of the country where he came from. 也可以跨越国度,一个在外国生活的移民,在情感和法律上分别认同不同的国家和城市并非不可能。
- Corbett has to go back to where he came from to remove the spikes from the rocks. 还得返回去取下铁钉重新再爬上来。
- There could be no mistaking where he had come from. 他从哪里来是相当清楚的。
- I checked on him and where he had come from. 第一只是新鞋,上面没有亨利爵士的气味。
- Can you guess where did the oxygen go? Where did the carbon dioxide come from? (We used the oxygen up. And we made the carbon dioxide. 你能猜一猜减少的氧气到哪里去了?增加的二氧化碳由是从哪里来的呢?(人用掉了,被人消耗了;人产生的,人排出的等)