- Guardic Gaiden 嘉蒂外传
- There is a rumor that this last filler arc is Kakashi Gaiden! We will find out the truth soon!! 有传言说这一话将是卡卡西外传!我们将马上为大家带来真实消息!
- Reserve Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 and receive a GameStop exclusive Ryu Hayabusa special costume. Available for online and in-store customers, while supplies last. (预定忍西2的朋友可以获得隼龙的限定服装,当它可以在线被购买的时候。。。)
- Darius Gaiden - Silver Hawk (World) 决战时空要塞外传-银鹰战机(世界版)
- Majin Eiyuuden Wataru Gaiden 魔神英雄传
- Ninja Gaiden 忍者龙剑传,又名忍者外传