- Guanshan geopark 关山地质公园
- Geopark construction and its contribution to a harmonious society! 加强地质公园建设,构建和谐南阳!
- Medical staff from Guanshan Tzu Chi Hospital join the Niguang Buddhist Nunnery to hold a winter aid distribution. 关山慈济分院的医疗团队,前往尼光净苑举办冬令发放;
- To establish Nanyang Mt. Funiushan World Geopark is the sacred duty of Nanyang people! 创建南阳伏牛山世界地质公园是全市人民的神圣职责!
- As Tzu Chi's Yuli and Guanshan Hospitals celebrate anniversaries, we meet the staff and volunteers who take part in mobile clinics. 玉里和关山慈济医院庆祝周年庆之际,要来看看医护人员下乡往诊。
- Win the gold medal at one fling, Ornament to the tourism brand of Mt. Funiushan Geopark! 一鼓作气摘金牌,拭亮旅游大品牌!
- Geological relics protection, Geopark establishment and it's construction to a harmonious society! 保护地质遗迹,建设地质公园,构建和谐社会!
- Geopark construction, geological tourism promotion and it's acceleration to the local economy! 建设地质公园,促进地质旅游,带动地方经济!
- Mesa-canyon karst physiognomy is a peculiar one first discovered in Fenghuang National Geopark. 摘要台地峡谷型岩溶地貌是湖南凤凰国家地质公园内特有的岩溶地貌。
- Shitang Lin, Mo Tianling, Tianchi, the pool, the cuckoo Lake, pine needles Lake, Rose-feng, Ji Guanshan, pigs Zhu Ba-jie different forms, such as mountains, Weimiaoweixiao. 石塘林、摩天岭、天池、地池、杜鹃湖、松叶湖、玫瑰峰、鸡冠山、猪八戒山等形态各异,惟妙惟肖。
- Exert Nanyang People in the Struggle for establishing Nanyang Mt.Funiushan World Geopark, and creating the brand leader to the world! 举全市之力,争创伏牛山世界地质公园,着力打造南阳旅游走向世界的旗舰品牌!
- Jinhu large Danxia Geopark in the landscape as the main body, along with granite landscape and the human landscape, such as embellishment of them. 大金湖地质公园以丹霞地貌景观为主体,同时还有花岗岩地貌景观和人文景观等点缀其中。
- Two volcanic structures,hornitos and accretionary lava ball,were wrongly named as "fumaroles" and "volcanic bomb" respectively in the Geopark. 然而,景点中有些火山构造的命名却存在着明显的错误,如:熔岩丘和增生熔岩球分别被错误地命名为“喷气锥”和“火山弹”。
- Through the national geopark network, we can preserve our valuable geological and topographical resources more comprehensively. 通过国家地质公园的网络,香港珍贵的地质地貌资源可以得到全面保护。
- The Permian section at Guanshan of Southeast Hubei Province is abundant in siliceous carbonate and more than 50 species of fossils, including Fusulinida, Anthozoa, Bryozoa and Brachiopoda have been found. 鄂东南关山二叠系剖面,含硅质的碳酸盐岩较为发育,并富含(竹蜓)、珊瑚、苔藓虫、腕足等类化石50余种。
- Thus, the existing management and administration of the Geopark is good, but will require consideration and modification should the WHS nomination proceed. 因此,公园现有的管理和行政部门是很好的,但是有必要考虑和修正。
- Collapse frequently happens in Bailixia Resort and imperils tourists, so it is of social and scientific significance to study collapse within this Yesanpo Geopark. 摘要野三坡百里峡景区内崩塌落石时有发生,直接威胁着游人的安全,因此对它的研究具有重要的社会效益和科学价值。
- UNESCO promotes the new concept of "UNESCO-Geopark" since 1999, which emphasizes protection and promotion of geological sites. Geopark was recognized as a tool to harmonize the relationship between people and geology. 1999年,联合国教科文组织推出"世界地质公园"(UNECO Geopark)构想,与"世界遗产"同为国际上保护地球资产的重要概念。
- The four stages of structural joints, especially the N-S trending “trace tensional joints” played a leading role in controlling the structural geomorphology of the National Geopark region. 4期节理,特别是喜马拉雅期南北向“追踪张节理”,对园区构造地貌景观的形成起着关键作用。
- The interweaving of green mountains, clear waters and red land bestows a new life upon the Geopark, which makes Dabie Mountains (Lu’an) National Geopark more attractive and charming. 青山、碧水、红土地的交汇,古韵新风生态园的融合,使大别山(六安)国家地质公园展现出迷人的风采和魅力。