- Guangdong electrical load 广东电力负荷
- High voltage panels are products of Westinghouse (USA) while low voltage ones are those of Merlin Gerin (France). And, total electrical load is 8900KW. 高压柜采用美国西屋公司产品,低压柜采用法国梅兰日兰公司产品,总电力负荷8900KW。
- A control system includes an electrical load control device responsive to radiant energy and a transmitter. 一种控制系统包括一响应于辐射能的电力负载控制器件及一发射机。
- This paper analyses the key project of Guangdong electrical and mechanical industry, and also introduces briefly the fundamental technology to develop Guangdong electromechanical industry. 分析广东电器机械产业当前的重点项目,并简要说明广东省将大力发展的基础技术。
- High voltage panels are products of Westinghouse( USA) while low voltage ones are those of Merlin Gerin( France). And, total electrical load is8900 KW. 高压柜采用美国西屋公司产品,低压柜采用法国梅兰日兰公司产品,总电力负荷8900KW。
- The research fields of Peirong Ji are Electrical Load Forecasting, Grey System Theory, Circuits and Systems, Control Theory. 吉培荣的研究领域包括电力系统负荷预测、灰系统理论、电路与系统、控制理论。
- For 300 MWe electrical load, the optimal O2 concentration is 3.4% at outlet of economizer, and for 225 MWe electrical load, the optimal O2 concentration is 4.6%. 当机组负荷为300 MW时;省煤器出口的最佳氧量为3.;4%25左右; 当机组负荷为225 MW时;省煤器出口的最佳氧量为4
- The paper introduces the contents and the methods of ATM testing before the trial operation of Guangdong Electric Power ATM Network. 介绍了广东电力ATM网络试运行前的测试内容和方法。
- When a linear electrical load is connected to the system, it draws a sinusoidal current at the same frequency as the voltage (though usually not in phase with the voltage). 当线性负载连接到系统,绘制一个与电压相同频率的正弦电流(通常是不同相位的频率)。
- Compared with other renewable sources of energy, they are probably best able to match a utility's electrical load, says Nathaniel Bullard of New Energy Finance, a research firm. 研究公司NewEnergyFinance的NathanielBullard说,比起其他的新能源,他可能是和公共用电负荷最匹配的一种方式。
- He has authored or coauthored more than 50 journal or conference papers in the fields of Electrical Load Forecasting , Grey System Theory, Circuits and Systems, etc. 他已在各类期刊和会议上发表论文50余篇,论文内容涉及电力系统负荷预测、灰系统理论、电路与系统等方面。
- CLP's system is also interconnected with that of the Guangdong Electric Power Holding Company (formerly named the Guangdong General Power Company) of China and electricity is exported to Guangdong Province. 中电的供电系统也与广东省电力集团公司(前称“广东省电力公司”)的供电系统连接,向广东省输送电力。
- This paper summarizes the application of Data Mining in a kind of electrical load forecasting,discusses and realizes the transformation from a certain kind of sequential database to a certain kind of relational database. 介绍了数据发掘中的关联规则在一类电力负荷预测中的应用,对时序数据库向关系型数据库的转化问题做了一定的探讨并且实现了该文所讨论的问题中的转化。
- Along with sustainable fast development of Qinghai province economic,the electrical load increase rapidly,and it provides peerless opportunity for development of Qinghai power system. 随着青海经济的持续快速发展,用电负荷迅猛增长,为青海电网的发展提供了前所未有的发展机遇。
- Especially in electrical railway, because of tractor locomotives' to and fro and particularity of electrical load, it is always hard to superpose multi-tractors' harmonics currents. 具体到电气化铁路运输方面,由于牵引机车的往复和电气负荷的特殊性,对多机车负荷系统谐波电流的叠加一直是一个难以确定的课题。大量的专家和学者在这方面做出了长期的努力。
- Built-in electric load can make the instrument conveniently perform idling/load conversion. 内置电子负载能方便的进行空、负载转换测试。
- The design takes advantage of tree structure of SCPI sentence, and takes example of electrical load FT6600 of Shenzhen Faithtech CO., LTD., implements a compact, fast speed SCPI parser. 该设计方法充分利用了SCPI语句的树形结构特点,并以费思泰克科技有限公司的电子负载FT6600为例,实现了一套简洁、高速的SCPI语言解析器。
- Hypde O, Hodnett PF.An adaptable automated procedure for short-term electricity load forecasting [ J ]. 张国庆;韩新阳;王晖;等.;气象因素对负荷和电量影响的研究[J]
- Data shall include utility requirements for cooling water, electrical loads, steam, air, etc. 数据应包含对冷却水、电负荷、蒸汽、空气等公用工程要求。