- Gu Yu Ling Capsules 骨愈灵胶囊
- Yu Ling watched in awe with his fellow Chinese fans and felt a twinge of cheer envy."The Korean and Taiwan cheering fans are so advanced. 于灵(音)与同去的中国球迷怀着敬畏的心情观看着他们的表演,对他们的欢呼方式很是羡慕。
- Liver enzyme spectrum determinations showed that Wu Ling capsules decreased activities of GOT、GPT、ALP and MAO. 酶谱检测显示,五灵胶囊可降低肝损伤大鼠血清中GOT,GPT,ALP,MAO的活性。
- These results suggest that Wu Ling capsules can protect rats from chronic injury produced by CCl4. 结果表明,五灵胶囊对慢性肝损伤有明显的保护作用。
- A: Here is a special rock, nered Yu Ling Leng which has four particularities so far as we know plenty of holes,absorptive capacity, genuine quality, and peculiar construction and what not. 这儿是一块奇特的岩石,名叫“玉玲珑”,据我们所知,它有四个特征:多孔、吸收性好、质地纯真和结构特殊等等。
- Like fashionable dress inn, devise the type that the style decides to Yu Ling makes work, for example, the female shoemaker of up to the minute styling can be designed very modernly. 像时装店一样,设计风格决定于零售的类型,例如,最新式样的女鞋店可以设计得很时髦。
- The World Organization for Human Rights USA filed the lawsuit Wednesday in a U.S. court in the state of California on behalf of the jailed Chinese dissident Wang Xiaoning and his wife Yu Ling. 美国世界人权机构星期叁代表被监禁的中国异议人士王小宁和他的妻子余陵在美国加州的一家法院提交了诉状。
- In order to attract elements of fashion personality
consumer reporter has learned, will soon be listed at the end of the new Passat Yu Ling, the biggest change is the look. 据记者了解,即将在年末上市的新款帕萨特领驭,最大变化是外观。 - Here is a special rock, nered Yu Ling Leng which has four particularities so far as we know plenty of holes,absorptive capacity, genuine quality, and peculiar construction and what not. 这儿是一块奇特的岩石,名叫“玉玲珑”,据我们所知,它有四个特征:多孔、吸收性好、质地纯真和结构特殊等等。
- Beijing Ping Gu Yu Kou Clothing Factory 平谷县峪口服装厂
- He didn't agree to Xiao Yu [her] taking up the job. 他不同意小余[她]担任这项工作。
- He incurred the wrath of the emperor for defending Li Ling. 他因为替李陵说话,触怒了皇帝。
- Comrade Yu will explain the matter to you. 余同志会给你们说明这件事的。
- " Yu Ling Passat has been listed in the official domestic car market has held up quite well. 帕萨特领驭上市以来在国内公务车市场有着不俗的表现。
- It starts from agelong store of Mr.Chen, going round as yet at Gu Lang Yu. 作为鼓浪屿的四大名小吃之一,始源于公元1821年的巷口鱼丸铺-陈氏老店,在鼓浪屿流传至今。
- She held her breath as the horses came toward the finish ling. 当马群跑向终点线时,她紧张得屏住了气。
- This is Gu Dongwei. I'm with A Box Company. 我叫顾东为。是A盒子公司的。
- After a long time of oppression, Da Yu rapes Ru Meng Ling. 长久的压抑之后,大宇强暴了如梦令。
- All the solutions are to be put up in capsules. 所有这些药水都将装在胶囊里。
- The act of ro ing someone at gu oint. 持枪相威胁,抢夺他人财物的行为。