- The Armory also expands your ground control. 军械库同时也能扩展建造范围。
- A computer center is being built for the students. 一个学生计算机中心正在被建立。
- She and I are visiting the computer center. 我和她正在参观计算机中心
- Some schools have computer center. 有些学校里有计算机中心
- The plane made contact with the ground control centre by wireless. 飞机通过无线电地面控制塔保持联系。
- To Illy's ground control team, this was the problem. 以意利的地面控制小组,这是问题。
- When waved his right hand to pay tribute to the ground control center reports: "Shenzhou VII report, I have exits, feel good. 当翟志刚挥动右手致意,并向地面控制中心报告:“神舟七号报告,我已出舱,感觉良好。
- Dual control for industry control computer and touch-screen. 工控机、触摸屏双控制。
- But then the ground control heard the voices of the astronauts. 但随后地面控制中心响起了宇航员的声音。
- All space craft re-entering the atmosphere get covered in space debris and gases which affect communications between the spacecraft and the ground control center. 所有返航的飞船在进入大气层时,会被宇宙残骸和气体所包围,从而影响了与地面中心的联络。
- They can control computer systems with voice commands and get audible feedback. 他们可运用话音指令控制电脑,并可得到话音方式的回应。
- I can see no reason to disapprove of establishing a computer center. 建立一个计算机中心我没有理由反对。
- Ground control to Eastern Seventeen," a controller intoned. 一个管制员喃喃呼叫:“地面管制呼叫东方十七。”
- All of these signals are gainadjusted, filtered and summed in an analog control computer. 所有这些讯号在模拟控制计算机中进行增益调整、滤波和综合。
- The computer center, opened last year, is very popular among the students in this school. 去年开办的计算机中心深受这所学校的学生喜爱。
- Custom control computes the rectangular area to draw in. 自定义控件如何计算要在其中进行绘制的矩形区域。
- They say dorms are close to places they go every day, like the library, computer center and classrooms. 他们说宿舍离他们每天要去的地方,比如图书馆,计算机中心,教室很近。
- In team-based matches, allied players now share Ground control, allowing them to build structures in each others'bases. 组队战中盟友可以共享建筑范围并且可以在盟友基地里建造。
- Serious disturbances on the worksite should jeopardize the industrial control computer through power supply. 工业现场的严重干扰,会通过工业控制机电源对工控系统造成严重危害。
- One scene of ERS-2 SLC imagery was selected as major test data and Ground Control Points (GCP) were manually collected. 从中选择了一景ERS-2 SLC数据作为主要实验数据,并手工采集了控制点。