- "The Government's initial decision to send the Self Defence Forces was based on the wrong information," says Naoto Kan, the party's leader. “政府当初派出自卫军是因为得到了错误的信息,”民主党领导长菅直人说。
- He said that he killed the man in self defence. 他说是因自卫而杀死那个人的。
- Japan Air Self Defence Force 日本航空自卫队
- They got permission to take action in self defence. 他们获准采取自卫行动。
- Talk loudly and assertively.Be prepared to physically defend yourself.You are allowed to use force and hurt your attacker in self defence. 身体上要作好防卫的准备,在自卫时,你可以使用武力并伤害攻击你的人。
- "If the situation allowed our Self Defence Forces to participate, they could go at any time," Yasuo Fukuda declared “如果形势允许我们的自卫军参加,他们将会随时出发。
- A weapon carried for self defence is quite different. 以自卫为目的携带的武器有很大区别。
- "The Government's initial decision to send the Self Defence Forces was based on the wrong information," says Naoto Kan, the party's leader “政府当初派出自卫军是因为得到了错误的信息,”民主党领导长菅直人说。
- "If the situation allowed our Self Defence Forces to participate , they could go at any time," Yasuo Fukuda declared . "Unfortunately, it is not such a situation." 政府似乎不想那样做,但形势阻碍了他们继续下赌注。本周开始的时候,东京方面表示在年底将派出军队,但是昨天,在自杀爆炸后几个小时,主要发言人收回了计划。
- Diving is believed to have begun in the 1200s in Sweden as a self defence mechanism to evade plundering Vikings. 跳水这项运动是在11世纪的瑞典作为一项自我防卫海盗而诞生的。
- It should be noted however that police actively discourage self defense in general and armed self defence is widely considered to be illegal. 需要提醒的是,警察在通常情况下总是不鼓励自我防卫的,而且总的来说,在自我防卫中使用武器是违法的。
- This alarms many in Britain, a country seen as indispensable to the construction of a serious European defence force. 这使许多英国人心生警惕,因为英国被视为构建重要的欧洲防线不可或缺的国家。
- The Chief of the Defence Force, General Peter Cosgrove, has given the Government's plan his seal of approval. 防卫局长彼特将军,已正式批准了政府的计划。
- Ever since Mr Reagan's inauguration, the White House has consistently regarded Israeli attacks across the Lebanese border as justifiable "hot pursuit" s and "self defence". 自从里根先生就任总统以来,白宫始终认为以色列越过黎巴嫩边界的攻击是正当的“紧追”和“自卫”。
- At the same time they study an undergraduate program through UNSW, fully paid for by the Australian Defence Force. 与此同时,他们研究本科计划通过新南威尔士大学,全额支付由澳大利亚国防军。
- The Bahrain Defence Force maintains a garrison there, just to make sure that the Qataris don't suddenly get frisky. 巴林国防部队在那里有一支卫戍部队,目的是确保卡塔尔人不会突然入侵。
- A drunk Chinese man who tried to give a panda a hug at Beijing Zoo found himself biting it in self defence after his clumsy attempt was savagely rejected, local media reported. 当地媒体报导说,一名中国醉汉打算在北京动物园内拥抱一头大猫熊,他的笨拙企图遭到大猫熊的野蛮拒绝,为了自卫,醉汉只得反咬回去。
- The answer is definitely yes," said Carl Thayer, a Southeast Asia expert with the Australian Defence Force Academy. 答案无疑是肯定的, ”泰勒说,卡尔,一个东南亚的专家与澳大利亚国防军学院。
- Marked by callisthenic beauty and rhythm and suggestive of real fighting, their movements follow set patterns that are designed more for health-building than for self defence. 这种运动富于柔性美和节奏感,也会让人联想到真正的打斗,其中的动作遵循设定的模式,其设计更多是出于健身考虑,而非防身之用。
- In the footsteps of most of the world's modern armies, the Israel Defence Force is going to develop and operate lighter armoured vehicles, weighing around 35-40 tonnes. 在世界上大部分现代军队的前进的脚步声中,以色列国防军将要研制以及使用重量在35到40吨的轻型装甲车辆。