- Grey linear transformation 灰度线性变换
- Grey linear programming was used to optimize the structure of agro-ecological and economic system in Dongtai coastal farmland. 以江苏东台市为例,运用灰色线性规划的方法对沿海农区农业生态经济系统结构进行优化。
- Grey linear programming (GLP) is a method of grey systems analysis for decision making under uncertainty.It is a development of the traditional linear programming (TLP) method. 摘要灰色线性规划(GLP)是研究不确定性决策问题的一种灰色系统分析方法,它是传统线性规划(TLP)方法的一个发展。
- A linear transformation on Milbert space is called compact(also completely continuous). 希尔伯特空间上的线性变换叫做紧的(也叫全连续的)。
- The DLT (Direct Linear Transformation) algorithm is widely used in 3-D reconstruction of planar images. DLT算法是利用平面图象进行三维重构的广泛采用的基本算法。
- Linear transformation is the key of complex function, and also is a fundamental and significant Conformal mapping. 线性变换是复变函数中的一个重要内容,是一种基本又十分重要的保形变换。
- Huang, G. H., Baetz, B. W., and Patry, G. G.,”A grey linear programming approach for municipal solid waste management planning under uncertainty,” Civil Engineering Systems, Vol. 9(1992), pp.319-335. 沈启宾、庄艳惠,应用灰色系统理论对李福恩十项全能成绩的因素分析与成绩预测之探讨,体育与运动,页32-46,第七十三期,民国80年。
- The specular reflection is a very important linear transformation in Euclidean space, and it has a special geometrical explanation in geometrical space. 摘要镜面反射是欧氏空间中一类很重要的线性变换,在几何空间中有着极其形象的解释。
- Mesoscopic double resonance circuit with complicated coupling is quantized by the method of harmonic oscillator quantization and linear transformation. 摘要对介观复杂耦合电路作双模耦合谐振子处理,将其量子化。
- A feature extractor using linear transformation matrix is further employed to extract the classification-oriented features. 一个使用线性转换矩阵的特征提取器对分类导向的特征做进一步的提取。
- Selection of the subsection point is the key to enhance low contrast image under light background by subsection linear transformation. 采用分段线性变换对白天亮背景下低对比度图像序列进行对比度增强,最关键的是分段点的选取。
- Stability for Grey Linear Systems of Time Lag 关于灰色线性时滞系统的稳定性
- A new linear transformation is presented. It is defferent to the transformation by R. H. Park and diff erent also to the orthogonal transformation by P. M. Anderson. 本文提出一种新的线性变换,它不同于R·H·Park所用的变换,也不同于P·M·Anderson所用的正交变换,这种变换暂称为混合变换。
- In this article,a geometric introduction to determinants with the linear transformation is proposed,and the geometric approaching to determinants of John Hannah is introduced. 提出用线性变换来引入行列式的几何定义方法 ,介绍了JohnHannah的行列式的几何处理框架
- The paper presents a decision-making method using a reward-based osculating value, which attains the normalized matrix through linear transformation in the range of [-1,1]. 针对城市污水处理工艺方案优选决策问题,采用了基于奖优惩劣原则的[-1,1]区间线性变化的密切值法决策模型,并介绍了其实现过程。
- Firstly,a photogrammetric model named direct linear transform (for short DLT),which relate the world coordinate with image coordinate ,is presented. 本文还论述了图象处理技术,包括中值滤波、边缘检测、哈夫变换、连通域标记等,应用这些技术,可以得到像点的图象坐标。
- Firstly,several rheological models of cement slurry are proved through linear transformation and then measured datas of cement slurry are dealt with linear regression of models. 本文通过对水泥浆的几种流变模式进行线性转化,用水泥浆的实测数据分别对几种模式进行线性回归。
- In this paper, We will prove that two ranks projective special linear group PSL2(7) over finite field GF(7) and linear transformation group GL3(2) are isomorphism. 文章证明了投射特殊线性群PSL2(7)(定义在有限域GF(7)上)和线性变换群GL3(2)是同构的。
- Life seems grey and joyless to them. 对他们来说生活是灰色的、不快乐的。
- The concept is introduced of the annihilating polynomial and minimal polynomial of vector with linear transform, their property discussed. 介绍了线性变换作用向量的化零多项式与最小多项式的概念,并讨论了它们的性质。