- What was the secret of Greta Garbo? 嘉宝到底有何神秘之处?
- Greta Garbo’s screen legend had become Greta Garbo urban legend. 嘉宝的银幕神话转变成了嘉宝的都市童话。
- Helen: Another signed photo is supposed to be from Greta Garbo. 和真正的签名非常不同; it bears no resemblance whatsoever.
- I have been watching all the greta garbo movies I can find! 我一直在看我所能找到所有gretagarbo的电影!
- But you had to choose the most degrading interpretation: he wants to distinguish himself, to act his Greta Garbo part. 但是你偏偏选择了最污辱人的一种解释:他想要出人头地,扮演格雷特、盖伯引人注目的角色。
- Barbara Stanwyck and Bette Davis had only one film each.There were no films showcasing Ginger Rogers or Greta Garbo. 三是美国电影史中最杰出的社会写实派导演普雷斯顿.;斯特奇斯竟然无一部作品入选。
- The 1934 original, with Greta Garbo, is worth looking at for Garbo alone, but it takes some very strange liberties with the book. 1934年的最早一部由葛丽泰嘉宝主演,也只有嘉宝有看头,但这部电影随便更改原著,有些地方改得很奇怪。
- Her understanding of the art came at the royal dramatic theater school where Greta Garbo had also taken her first steps toward a career in a film. 进入瑞典皇家剧院附属学校学习,为她的表演艺术打下了坚实的基础。另一位出生于瑞典的好莱坞明星葛丽泰·嘉宝也是在这里开始了她的演艺生涯。
- Like England's Elizabeth I, Christina (Greta Garbo) is pressured into a politically correct marriage (her cousin) but she falls in love with an emissary from Spain (John Gilbert). 两人结交成好友之后,女王才表明真正身份,二人以情侣关系共渡两天缠绵时光。
- Greta Garbo gives a luminous performance in this lavish costume drama, starring with her one-time off-screen fiance John Gilbert and directed by Rouben Mamoulian. 两人结交成好友之后,女王才表明真正身份,二人以情侣关系共渡两天缠绵时光。
- Despite being accused of Amero-centric provincialism, Hollywood has always employed a host of foreign born actors and actresses, from Greta Garbo to Nicole Kidman, and Charlie Chaplin to Mel Gibson. 尽管那种以美国为中心的偏狭观念受到了谴责,但好莱坞却始终在启用着大批出生于国外的男女演员,从葛丽泰·嘉宝到妮可·基德曼,从查理·卓别林到梅尔·吉布森。
- At the end of your letter, you say that my worker's vest( which isn't true, I wear a peasant's vest) is well worth Marilyn Monroe's pleated blouse, and my nails, the sunglasses of Greta Garbo. 在信的结尾,你说我的工人背心装(实是农夫背心装)似影星马莉、罗的摺叠短衫,我的指甲有如格雷特、伯的太阳眼镜。
- Greta has got what it takes to become a great actress. 格雷特已具备成为一名大演员的必要条件。
- Greta Garbo 葛丽泰·嘉宝
- Greta even had me take a big apple pie to Mr. 葛丽塔甚至让我给丁肯先生送去一个大苹果馅饼。
- I would help Greta with her chores. 我会帮葛丽塔做些家务。
- He would become known as “the man who shot Garbo. 他因为给嘉宝拍摄而名声鹊起。
- Off screen, Garbo barely spoke English. 银幕外,嘉宝很少说英语。
- MGM had found Garbo’s identity. 米高梅发现了嘉宝的独特之处。
- "Silence makes me nervous," says Greta, 29. “沉默会让我紧张,”29岁的格瑞塔说。