- Green Jade Powder 碧玉散
- In spring both the trees and the river present a hue of green jade. 今日府河与南河春树碧如烟春水绿如蓝。
- The green jade, jade pendant is fine jade, gloss, and skin. 此挂件为青白玉玉质,玉质细腻,光泽好,有皮。
- Green Jade Cup and Magpie on a Branch should go next. 青色的玉杯,以及枝上的喜鹊,也必不可少。
- Dark green jade, so-called Canada jade, is also found in Western Canada. 被称为加拿大玉,是生产于加拿大西部。
- Manasi green jade belongs to tremolite jade, it is a kind of ancient jade. 玛纳斯碧玉为传统名称,属于透闪石玉,为绿色。
- Rare breed has Yin Ling, emerald green jade, violet cloud, dawn to wait. 名贵品种有银铃、翠玉、紫云、黎明等。
- Great distance Chengjiang resembles practices, green jade peak like bunch. 千里澄江似练,翠峰如簇。”
- Works using natural green Jade sculpture, fine texture, a small fine, talented and very likable! 作品采用天然墨绿色岫玉雕刻,质地细腻,小巧精致,十分讨人喜欢!
- Among them cyan is more, white take second place, green jade, Chinese ink is less, yellow is infrequent. 其中青色较多,白色次之,碧、墨较少,黄色罕见。
- The young lady greets the bikini that has eye of fair green jade into the door to help your unship coat. 一进门便有金发碧眼的比基尼小姐迎上来帮你解下大衣。
- Now, she is in with respect to graceful station our before, without a change, green jade preciouses jade renascence! 现在,她就亭亭玉立的站在我们的面前,没有一丝改变,碧瑶重生!
- Keep clear of as soon as possible you can use green jade soft go the bazoo of black head is stuck! 黑头是不是只长在鼻子上啊?那脸上如果长了,应该叫什么?
- From afar, willow branches, as strings of green jade necklace, extremely good-looking! 远远望去,柳树的枝条像串了绿翡翠的项链,好看极了!
- Material:green jade; Original Place:XinJiang. It is with fine texture,translucency and delicated carving. 材质:碧玉;产地:新疆。双童子拜观音。此产品质地华美。由北京玉器厂精雕。
- Dark green jade, the rectangle, one end bores a hole, the edge has used trail obviously. 青玉玉质,矩形,有沁色,一端穿孔,一端单面开刃,刃部有明显使用痕迹。
- JADE ADZE Late Neolithic Era Dark green jade, the rectangle, one end bores a hole, the edge has used trail obviously. 青玉玉质,矩形,有沁色,一端穿孔,一端单面开刃,刃部有明显使用痕迹。锛为古时木工工具中的一种,用于刨平木器表面。
- Each medal has a different color inlay: white for the gold medal, pale green for the silver medal, and dark green jade for the bronze medal. 每块奖牌镶嵌着不同颜色的玉环:金牌镶白玉,银牌配灰绿色玉环,铜牌镶嵌深绿色玉环。
- When Weirdo finished, he took out a light green jade from his pocket.He reduced the graphics on the screen and printed them onto the jade. 百怪说毕,从口袋里取出一块浅绿色的玉珮,再把萤幕上的图形缩小,直接印在玉珮上。
- Dark green jade, he dimension is bigger, appearance is intact. The inner carves binary dragon lines, rope lines and cattail lines respectively. 青玉玉质,有沁色,尺寸较大,品相完好。自外向内分别刻双体龙纹、绳纹及蒲纹。