- The content of phillyrin in Green Fructus forsythiae, Ripe Fructus forsythiae and leaves of forsythia (Forsythia suspensa) from different regions was assyed by HPLC method. 摘要用高效液相色谱法对不同产地的连翘叶、老翘、青翘中的连翘苷含量进行测定。
- Green Fructus forsythiae 青翘
- Green Fructus forsythia 青翘
- Methods: The quality of Flos Lonicerae, Fructus Forsythiae and Fructus Gardeniae was identified by TLC. 方法采用薄层色谱法对制剂中的金银花、连翘、栀子进行定性鉴定;
- Results Radix scutellariae,Fructus forsythiae and Fructus craraegi in Kang Wei Ling Troche.was identified. 结果分别鉴别出康胃灵片中的黄芩、连翘和山楂。
- AIM: To improve the quality standard of Compound Xilingjiedu Tablets(Flos Lonicerae, Fructus Forsythiae, etc.). 目的:提高复方西羚解毒片(金银花、连翘等)的质量标准。
- And Fructus Forsythiae bloom with the temperature,gradient face,the relation of the related factor in etc.in elevation. 以及连翘开花和温度、坡向、海拔等相关因素的关系。
- Fructus Forsythiae is used primarily to treat respiratory infection, acute nephritis, hepatitis, meningitis, etc. 临床上多用于治疗呼吸道感染、急性肾炎、肝炎、脑膜炎等疾病。
- Method:The literatures of herb couple of Flos Lonicerae Japonicae and Fructus Forsythiae were reviewed. 方法:对金银花、连翘以及银翘药对的国内外相关文献进行归纳。
- Methods TLC was used to identify the basis ingredients of Radix scutellariae,Fructus forsythiae and Fructus craraegi of Kang Wei Ling Troche. 方法采用薄层色谱法对康胃灵片中的黄芩、连翘、山楂进行了定性分析鉴别。
- Objective: To optimize the preparation process of Flos Lonicerae, Fructus Forsythiae extract in Shuanghuanglian oral liquid. 目的:优化双黄连口服液中双花,连翘浸膏的制备工艺。
- Conclusion The method was reliable.It can be used for the quality control of radix platycodonis,fructus forsythiae and galla chinensi. 结论方法可靠,重现性好,可作为这3味中药材的质量控制方法。
- METHODS Fructus gardeniae, Radix angelicae dahuricae, Radix scutellariae, Flos chrysanthemi, Fructus forsythiae were identified by TLC. 方法采用薄层色谱法鉴别栀子、白芷、黄芩、菊花、连翘。
- Objective A TLC was established for the identification of Hebra schizonepetae,Fructus forsythiae,Fructus arctii,Flos lonicerae japonicae in Lingyangganmao capsules. 目的建立羚羊感冒胶囊中荆芥、连翘、牛蒡子、金银花四种主药的薄层鉴别方法。
- Educate the Fructus Forsythiae and reforms to grow wild to Fructus Forsythiae for our artificial,increase burliness rate with yield and predict that year connec... 为我们人工栽培连翘及改造野生连翘,提高结实率和产量以及预测当年连翘产量和寻找高产区域及不结果原因提供依据。
- Result All the extract and phillyrin have anti-bacteria effect in vitro, and the anti-bacteria effect of Folium Forsythia is stronger than that of Fructus forsythiae. 结果青翘、老翘、连翘叶提取物及连翘苷均有一定的抑菌作用,并且连翘叶的抑菌作用优于老翘及青翘。
- Abstract: Objective: Determine the content of forsythoside A in fructus forsythiae by combining near-infrared spectroscopy with the chemometrics method. 中文摘要: 目的:利用近红外光谱法快速测定连翘药材中连翘酯苷含量。
- The results show that such febrifugal and antipyic drugs as flos lonicerae, fructus forsythiae, rhizoma polygoni and herba taraxaci could inhibit hPDGF B/B induced VSMC adhesive, growth and proliferation. 结果 :双花、公英、虎杖、连翘对h PDGF B/B刺激下的平滑肌细胞生长和贴壁均有抑制作用。
- Result There are large various in the quantity of water-soluble extractives and ethanol-soluble extractives and Phillyrin in Fructus Forsythiae of different place in Henan province. 结果不同产地连翘中水溶性浸出物、醇溶性浸出物、连翘苷的含量有明显差别。
- Results Identification of Floslonicerae,Fructus forsythiae,Radix sophorae flavescentis,Radix glycyrrhizae,Radix salviae miltiorrhizae,and Radix paeoniae rubra were established by TLC. 结果建立了该药中金银花、连翘、苦参、甘草、丹参、赤芍的鉴别方法。