- Great Western Hunan 大湘西
- These locomotives ran on Great Western Railway metals until 1940. 这些火车头在1940年以前一直在大西部铁路线上运行。
- The portals of the great western front are bisected by square pillars. 正西那些大门都由方柱拦成两半。
- Miao habiliments in western Hunan is a typical ref lection of Miao people's philosophy and dress aesthetics. 湘西苗服体现了苗族自我,表现了独特的苗人哲学和服饰美学。
- In his memory, Western Hunan is beautified.The beautified Western Hunan makes the modern metropolis appear ugly. 在回忆中,湘西被美化了,而美化了的湘西更映衬出现代都市文明的丑陋。
- The Great Western Development is Great Western Opening-up in nature. 西部大开发,实质是西部大开放。
- The life of western Hunan obsessed him and applied him with many writing materials. 湘西生活有令他推崇和着迷的巨大魅力,也为他的写作提供大量的素材。
- This movie unified West"s hemophagia ghost story and China “the western Hunan catches up with the corpse” the fable. 这部影片结合了西方的吸血鬼故事和中国的“湘西赶尸”传说。
- The Pyrite is one of main typomorphic characteristic of W-Sb-Au deposits series of western Hunan. 黄铁矿是湘西钨锑金矿床系列的主要标型矿物之一。
- In 1998, designed one of the silver series memorial emblems of the Western Hunan Alcoholic stocks emission Bank, minted by China People's Bank. 1998年,担任湘西湘酒鬼股票发行银行纪念章一枚的设计,由中国人民银行发行。
- The stibnite ore vein is one of the major types of economic ores explo ited throughout the Woxi mining district in western Hunan, China. 辉锑矿脉为沃溪钨锑金矿床最具工业价值的矿石类型。
- In his novels about the western Hunan world,he have displayed unimportant person‘s illusion, also reposed his illusion on the nation. 他叙写着底层小人物的梦幻,同时也把民族的梦幻寄托在理想中的湘西世界。
- A Great Western Railway train leaving the tunnel and crossing the balsawood viaduct in the Pendon layout. 一辆大西方铁路公司的火车正穿越隧道驰上高架铁路桥。
- In his novels about the western Hunan world,he have displayed unimportant person's illusion, also reposed his illusion on the nation. 他叙写着底层小人物的梦幻,同时也把民族的梦幻寄托在理想中的湘西世界。
- Great Western Railway train leaving the tunnel and crossing the balsawood viaduct in the Pendon layout. 一辆大西方铁路公司的火车正穿越隧道驰上高架铁路桥。
- Not only has Shen Cong wen written the legendary of western Hunan in the novel,but also written the divine nature of life more importantly. 沈从文在小说中不仅写出了湘西这一地方背景的传奇性,更重要的是写出了生命的神性。
- In 1838 the Great Western, the first steamship to cross the Atlantic, made the distance from Bristol to New York in 15 days. 1838年,“大西方人号”成为第一艘横渡大西洋的汽船。 它在15天内,航行了从布列斯托到纽约的全程。
- Tianmen Mountain Temple,with an area of over 10000 square meters,enjoys a booming pilgrimage ever since the Ming Dynasty,It is the Buddhist center of Western Hunan. 占地万余平方米的天门山寺,自明朝以来香火鼎盛,是湘西的佛教中心。
- Exorcising opera in western Hunan derived from Han nationality, and evolved from exorcising sacrifice, to exorcising ceremony, to exorcising dance and to exorcising opera. 摘要湘西傩堂戏源于中原汉族的傩堂戏,曾经历了傩祭-傩仪-傩舞-傩戏的演变历程。
- George's Hall.These of the invited coming from London were conveyed by a special Great Western train, which left Paddington at 6.23. 来自伦敦的受邀者乘坐的是6点23分从派丁顿开出的一辆特别的西部大列车。