- Great Revolution Era 大革命时期
- That country is now experiencing a great revolution. 那个国家目前正在经历一次伟大的革命。
- Modern science and technology are undergoing a great revolution. 现代科学技术正在经历着一场伟大的革命。
- In olden times, and Revolution era, held here is where many festive events.It is the symbol of Paris. 古时候以及大革命时代,这里是举办许多节庆活动的地方.;而且是巴黎的象征。
- The Red Army came in being after the defeat of the first great revolution. 红军是第一次大革命失败后诞生的。
- Modern science and technology are now undergoing a great revolution. 现代科学技术正在经历着一场伟大的革命。
- The Red Arm came into being after the defeat of the first great revolution. 红军是第一次大革命失败后诞生的。
- Liu Bolin creates a world that appears to be fun and full of bright colours but is in reality uncaring, a reflection of the post Cultural Revolution era to which he belongs. 刘勃麟创造了一个鲜艳的看似有趣的世界,但事实上他并不是这么温和,他反映了文革后的一代人,他自己也是其中一份子。
- The Red Army came into being after the defeat of the first great revolution. 红军是从第一次大革命失败中诞生的。
- She imbibes the humanlitarianisms factor both in religion and existism literature, and the influence of Civilization Revolution era promotes the formation of her universal humanlitarianisms emotion. 她吸取了宗教和存在主义文学中的人道主义因素,加之文革时代的影响形成了王安忆博大的人道主义情怀。
- Your archaic means of propaganda, your epithets borrowed straight from the Cultural Revolution era, your utter ignorance of the Internet itself - these are the tolls of your death bell. 你古板的宣传手段,你文革般陈旧口号式的叫嚣,你对互联网的无知,你“为了下一代”之类的虚伪说辞,这些都为你的彻底失败敲响了丧钟。
- All the imperialists opposed us during our First Great Revolution; the Soviet Union alone helped us. 第一次大革命时期,一切帝国主义者都反对我们,只有苏联援助了我们。
- Compared with the sovereign's sovereignty before the social revolution era, the principle of the majority is obviously much better with its abolition of the arbitrariness of the autocrat. 较之社会革命时代以前的“君王主权”,人民多数的原则有很明显的优点:人民主权废除了专制者的专断。
- The Cninese Red Army,starting as guerrilla units,came into being after the defeat of the first great revolution. 中国红军是产生于第一次大革命失败之后,从游击队开始。
- A great revolution requires a great party and many first-rate cadres to guide it. 指导伟大的革命,要有伟大的党,要有许多最好的干部。
- In China a great revolution mass movement for modernizing science and technology is developing rapidlyandvigorously. 在中国,一场向科学技术现代化进军的伟大革命群众运动正在迅速蓬勃展开。
- In the Great Revolution period, Houhu is a place where gallant and drastic struggle occurred. 大革命时期,后湖又是英勇、激烈的斗争之地。
- Chen Duxiu is in the wrong essence of great revolution period is not opportunistic " of " capitulationism " , " . 陈独秀在大革命时期的错误实质不是"投降主义"、"机会主义"。
- Chapter 1 approaches the inner relations between the Comintern and the failure of the Chinese First Great Revolution. 第一章探讨共产国际与中国大革命的失败的内在关联。
- Perhaps because in France, we have good values, we have thoughts, our Great Revolution. 可能因为在法国,我们有好的价值,我们的思想,我们的大革命。