- Some grass grow in the crevice of the stone wall. 有些草从石墙的裂缝中长出来。
- Medicinal herbs grow in abundance in the forest. 这片森林里盛产药材。
- Many wild flowers grow in the forest mold. 森林里的松软沃土上长著许多野花。
- Not even a blade of grass grows in the saline-alkali soil. 盐碱地上寸草不生。
- Not even a bladeof grass grows in the saline-alkali soil. 盐碱地上寸草不生。
- Grass grows in the forest. 森林里长了许多草。
- The grass grows fast in the large garden in March. 大花园里的草在三月份长的最快。
- The hut was constructed from trees that grew in the forest. 这间小屋是用林子中的树木盖成的。
- The path petered out deep in the forest. 小路漫漫消失在密林深处。
- The wind wailed in the forest all night. 风在林子里彻夜呼啸。
- The soldiers are encamped in the forest. 士兵在森林里安营。
- In the forest, we came upon a flock of pheasants. 在森林里我们碰到一群雉鸡。
- We were fearful of losing our way in the forest. 我们担心在森林里迷路。
- Green was the predominant color in the forest. 绿色是森林的主色调。
- Bands of outlaws lived in the forest. 成群的歹徒犯法后栖身于树林中。
- This plant only grows in the tropics. 这种植物只生长在热带地区。
- There is abundant firewood in the forest. 森林里有充裕的薪柴可用。
- The hunter lose sight of their quarry in the forest. 猎人失去了在林中追捕的鸟兽踪影。
- This plant grows in the south of Africa. 这种植物生长在非洲的南部。
- The combustion in the forest generated great damage. 森林火灾造成了巨大的损失。