- Century Dragon Graphics Design Ltd. 世纪龙腾图文设计有限公司。
- ZLX Graphics Design Production Center. 众力轩图文设计制作中心。
- Xinyapai Computer Graphic Design Co. Ltd. 鑫雅派电脑图文设计有限公司。
- Eye; The International Review of Graphic Design. 国际平面设计。
- Hengmei Graphic Design Printing Center. 恒美图文设计印刷中心。
- A typical example of this is graphic design. 这种情况的典型事例就是美术设计专业。
- Graphic Design and Webpage Layout. 美术设计及版面配置佳。
- Web development and graphic design. 网开发和图形的设计。
- Image graphic design software discussion forum. 图像平面设计软件讨论区。
- Your graphic design business has worked out for you. 你的电脑平面设计业务让你当上了自己的老板。
- How are things in the graphic design business, Mr. Hat? 海特先生,你们的电脑平面设计业务做得怎么样?
- Like the graphic design and even your company's logo. 除了图像设计还包括你们公司的标记。
- Computer graphic design is also one of our main business. 电脑平面设计是我们另一项主要业务。
- New Century Graphic Designing Co., Ltd. 创新世纪图文设计印刷有限公司。
- The Nike Swoosh trademark is purchased from a graphic design student for $35. 耐克以35美元的代价从美工设计学生手中购得[钩形]商标.
- Chapman Tse: Graphic design is no long confined to be 2-dimensional. 很多设计项目已经不只限于平面的表达,有立体的,也有新媒体的运用。
- This logo is a great example for the expressive language of graphic design. 这里的版式设计成功地向人们展示了平面设计这一专业所独有的表达语言,是其它视觉设计所不能代替的。
- A graphic design applied to a collection of numbers, symbols, and characters. 应用于数字、符号和字符集合的一种图形设计。
- Wei is now a graphics designer at Willamette University (WU). 读小学四年级时,爸爸从香港寄来一些舶来品。