- A wine that is a blend of several grape varieties and does not carry the name of any specific grape. 无厂牌葡萄酒多种葡萄混合而成的一种酒,不以任何特定的葡萄来命明
- Except Chardonnay,the other three grape varieties inhibited secretion of MMP-2 completely at 20 mg/ml. 除Chardonnay外,其余三种葡萄在20 mg/ml均可完全抑制HUVEC的MMP-2的分泌。
- Verdicchio is one of the most widely planted white grape varieties in the Marches region of central Italy. 酒精度是其中一个最广泛种植的白葡萄品种在游行区域的意大利中部。
- Mediterranean style climate with usually a warm, dry autumn which allows for the ripening of most grape varieties. 地中海气候通常都是温暖干燥的秋天,这促使大多数的葡萄品种都能及时成熟.
- Chardonnay has always been a popular grape variety. 夏顿埃始终是大受欢迎的葡萄品种。
- The Riesling is a slow ripening grape variety. 在德国,白葡萄酒产量占88%25以上。
- In addition to the Terroir, grape varieties used also affect the styles of wines in Medoc. 风土以外,葡萄品种也会影响梅铎里葡萄酒的风格。
- Grape Varieties: 62% Cabernet Sauvignon, 31% Merlot, 5% Cabernet Franc, and 2% Petit Verdot. 葡萄品种:62%25的赤霞珠,梅鹿辄31%25,5%25赤霞珠法郎,2%25小维铎葡萄。
- Grape varieties : 75 % Cabernet Sauvignon ; 20 % Merlot ; 4 % Cabernet Franc ; 1 % Petit Verdot. 葡萄品种:75%25嘉本纳沙威浓,20%25梅乐,4%25嘉本纳弗朗,1%25小华帝;
- A dry red wine made from the black grape variety Cabernet sauvignon. 卡勃耐酒一种无甜味的红色的酒,用卡勃耐白葡萄的变种黑葡萄制成
- Resistances and Relationship of Several Good Grape Varieties(Strains)to Elsinoe ampelina and Plasmopara viticola in Vitis vinifera L. 几个优良欧亚种葡萄品种(系)对黑痘病与霜霉病的抗性及关系。
- Grape Varieties: 50% Merlot , 30% Cabernet Sauvignon, 15% Cabernet Franc and 5% Petit Verdot. Average of the vines: 30 years. 葡萄品种:50%25美乐,30%25赤霞珠,15%25品丽珠和5%25味而多。葡萄树龄:平均30年。
- XU available in more than 50 grape varieties, the most famous White Pinger, Ji Xin black and purple 3 longan, white grape Pinger for the best. 清徐葡萄现有50多个品种,最著名的为白瓶儿、黑鸡心、紫龙眼3种,其中白瓶儿葡萄为最好。
- This product Shiraz is Australia's largest acreage of grape varieties, after post-aging taste wonderful, rich, full, rich wine and good performance. 本品穗乐仙是澳大利亚种植面积最大的葡萄品种,经过陈酿后口感美妙、浓郁、丰满、酒体丰厚并有不俗的表现。
- Designed as everyday wines, Saga R Bordeaux Red is made from traditional Bordeaux grape varieties:Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and so on. 拉菲罗氏家族传说波尔多红使用传统葡萄品种赤霞珠、梅洛等酿造。
- Charodonnay is one of the typical grape varieties of Australia.It has an aroma of apricots and pears with a hint of mocha and caramel. 莎当妮是澳洲典型的酿酒葡萄,含有杏,梨的果香并带点儿摩卡咖啡和焦糖的味道。
- Pinot Noir is often seen as a cantankerous grape variety. 黑比诺往往被视为一种能言善辩葡萄品种。
- Not everyone was as hard hit by the industry's oversupply of red grape varieties such as Shiraz but a shortage of other varieties such as Chardonnay. 过度供给是把双刃剑。富仕达公司是纯粹的获益者,它就像经营虚拟资产的那些企业-将品牌和产品外包-降低了营运资金,降低了葡萄酒价格。?罗伯顿先生说。
- Grape variety that is the basis of the DOCG Albana di Romagna. 来自罗马涅的阿尔巴纳的基本葡萄品种。
- Does the grape variety have any effect on the procyanidin levels? 葡萄的品种与原花青素的含量有关吗?