- Graciles atropurpurean. 黑紫龙胆
- Study on cutting techniques of hardwood in Berberis thunbergii DC. F. Atropurpurea Rehd. 紫叶小檗硬枝扦插育苗技术研究。
- Smilacina atropurpurea is a mass consumption wild vegetable in Zhongdian area, Yunnan province. 竹叶菜(高大鹿药 Smilacina atropur purea)为中甸一种大宗野生蔬菜。
- A deciduous shrub or small tree(Euonymus atropurpurea) of eastern North America, having small purplish flowers, pink fruit, and scarlet arillate seeds. 火树一种北美东部落叶灌木或小树(涤紫卫矛卫矛属),具有小的略紫色花、粉红果实和红色具有假种皮的种子
- Produced by Pseudomonas syringae pv. atropurpurea, a pathogen of oats and Pseudomonas syringae pv. glycinea. The toxin causes chlorosis and streaking in oats. 丁香假单胞菌的两个致病变种可产生此毒素,这种毒素造成褪绿和条点。
- Title: Effects of Mineral Nutrients and Plant Growth Regulators at Low Temperature on Germination and Growth of Pollen in Prunus Cerasifera Ehrh. Cv Atropurpurea Jacq. 关键词:低温;矿质营养和植物生长调节剂;红叶李;花粉萌发率;花粉管长度
- The results were as follows: 1.Focusing on the resources of Morus atropurpurea Roxb, the contents of mulberry polysaccharide of more than 100 varieties were tested. 试验主要结果如下: 1.以广东桑树资源为主,测定了100余个品种的桑叶多糖含量,发现不同桑种、品种间桑叶多糖含量存在显著差异。
- Effects of Mineral Nutrients and Plant Growth Regulators at Low Temperature on Germination and Growth of Pollen in Prunus Cerasifera Ehrh.Cv Atropurpurea Jacq. 与相似的文献。
- Pyrola atropurpurea Franch. 紫背鹿蹄草
- Aralia atropurpurea Franch. 西藏九眼独活
- Morus atropurpurea Roxb. 广东桑
- In this paper, 15 species of freshwater red algae from Shanxi Province,North China were reported. They are Porphyridium purpureum (Bory) Drew et Ross, Bangia atropurpurea (Roth) Agardh, Compsopogon tenellus Ling et Xie, C. 报道山西省的淡水红藻植物;共计有15种;隶属于6目;7科;9属;即紫球藻Porphyridium purpureum (Bory)Drew et Ross;暗紫红毛菜Bangia atropurpurea(Roth)Agardh;细弱弯枝藻Compsopogon tenellus Ling et Xie;弯枝藻C.
- purple vetch (Vicia atropurpurea) 深紫花野豌豆
- Amygdalus persica var. persica f. atropurpurea 紫叶桃
- mulberry ( Morus atropurpurea Roxb. ) 桑叶
- Berberis thurbergii Atropurpurea 紫叶小檗
- Berberisthunbergiicv. atropurpurea 红叶小檗
- Factors Influencing the Survival Rate and Shoot Growth of Berberis thumber DC. F. Atropurpurea Rehd. Hard Wood Cutting 影响紫叶小檗硬枝扦插成活及生长的因素
- Seedling cultivation of Berberis thunbergii var. Atropurpurea in greenhouse in arid areas of northwest China 西北干旱区红叶小檗温室播种育苗技术
- Study on Techniques of Cuttage by Epicormic Branch of Berberis thunbergii var. Atropurpurea 红叶小檗嫩枝扦插技术研究