- Government Transfer Payment Multiplier 政府转移支付乘数
- Theoretical Inferring on Tax Multiplier, Government Transfer Payment Multiplier and Balanced Budget Multiplier of Proportional Tax 比例税的税收、政府转移支付和平衡预算乘数的理论推导
- Government transfer payments 政府转移支付
- government transfer payment 政府转移支付
- These are government decision on how much to lay out for purchases and transfer payments. 这些是政府对其购买和转移支付的支出大小的决定。
- Optimal Tax Rates, Governmental Transfer Payment and Research on China's Electronic Commerce Security in the New Period 新时期我国电子交易安全问题探讨
- The growth in transfer payments and players' salaries seemed limitless. 转会费和球员薪水似乎无止境的增加。
- Enactment of the Regulations on Managing Transfer Payments will be expedited. 加快财政转移支付管理条例等的立法进程。
- The central government has also increased its fund input and support of other forms through all kinds of special financial transfer payment as well as financial transfer payment under the preferential policy for ethnic minorities. 中央政府还通过各种专项财政转移支付、民族优惠政策财政转移支付,加大资金的投入和支持。
- Provincial financial departments will also subsidize those cities and counties in financial straits through transfer payments. 市、县级财政有困难的,省级财政也要通过转移支付予以补助。
- Fiscal reform will focus on improving the public finance system, transfer payment system and budget management system, and reforming the classification of government revenue and expenditures. 财政改革重点集中在改善公共财政体系,转移支付体系和预算管理体系以及政府收支分类改革。
- Japan,a country of unitary fiscal system,carries out a transfer payment from central government to local governments in fiscal distribution. 日本是单一制国家,财政分配实行中央向地方转移支付。
- Such transfer payment as Social Security and veterans'benefits increased only slightly. 用于社会保险和退伍军人福利这类福利性开支只是略有增长。
- After a brief meeting, Vindbjart's officials decided that the transfer payment would be Kristensen's weight in shrimp. 文比加特队的官员们开了一个短会,决定把克里斯滕森的转会费定为相当于其体重的虾。
- We will selflessly let the government use our equipment for free, said Far Eastern Vice President Li Guan-jyun. We will also help the government transfer the project for free. 远通电收副董事长李冠军:我们无私无偿的把我们的设备提供给政府使用,我们会免费的协助政府做一个移转的动作。
- These transactions include trade in goods and services, transfer payments, loans, and investments. 这些业务包括商品与劳务贸易、支付转移、贷款和投资。
- According to Lou, more than50 percent of central finance goes to transfer payments to the relatively backward western regions. 另外,根据楼继伟讲,中央财政的百分之五十多是将工资转成西部开发的相关援助款。
- The policy of financial transfer payment on the in Western China development project. 继续推进西部大开发战略的财政转移支付政策。
- Such transfer payment as Social Security and veterans' benefits increased only slightly. 用于社会保险和退伍军人福利这类福利性开支只是略有增长。
- The two systems of government are polar opposites. 这两种政体正好相反。