- Government of America Samoa 美属萨摩亚政府
- The government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion. 其中明确说明:在任何意义上,美国政府都不是建立在基督教基础上的。
- The United States of America recognizes the Government of the People's Republic of China as the sole legal government of China. 美利坚合众国承认中华人民共和国政府是中国的唯一合法政府。
- "I think it would be easy to include USAID (the US Agency for International Development) and the government of America," he said. “我想邀请美国国际开发署和美国政府的参与应该是比较容易的”。他说。
- The Government of the United States of America acknowledges the Chinese position that there is but one China and Taiwan is part of China. 美利坚合众国政府承认中国的立场,即只有一个中国,台湾是中国的一部份。
- The federal government of the United States of America rapidly increased the support for research in the natural sciences and biomedicine on a vast,unprecedented scale. 美国联邦政府迅速以前所未有的巨大规模增加了对自然科学和生物医学研究的投入。
- The federal government of the United States of America rapidly increased the support for research in the natural sciences and biomedicine on a vast, unprecedented scale. 美国联邦政府迅速以前所未有的巨大规模增加了对自然科学和生物医学研究的投入。
- Britain was an ally of America in the World War I. 英国在第一次世界大战中是美国的同盟国。
- New York is a canton of America. 纽约是美国的一个州。
- He ripped off the government of a million dollars. 他诈骗了政府一百万元。
- Access to all equipment and technical data will be controlled on a 24-hour basis by US persons who have received training in security procedures from the Government of the United States of America. 对所有设备和技术资料的接触须由经过美国政府安全规程训练的美方人员进行二十四小时控制。
- Indians were the indigenous inhabitants of America. 印第安人是美洲的土著居民。
- In order to open China's market wider,China and the United States signed the Memorandum of Understanding Between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the United States of America Concerning Market Access in October 1992. 为了进一步开放中国市场,中美双方于1992年10月签订了《中美市场准入谅解备忘录》。
- Columbus set foot on the shores of America just before daybreak. 哥伦布刚巧在天亮前踏上美洲海岸。
- The local government of this township has some privilege. 这个镇区的当地政府享有一些特权。
- Actor Mel Gibson is currently one of America's favorite hunks. 演员梅尔•吉布森是当今美国最受欢迎的美男之一。
- Unless specifically permitted by persons authorized by the Government of the United States of America,non-US persons will not be allowed into the satellite preparation area for any purpose. 非美方人员未经美国政府授权人员特许,不得以任何目的进入卫星准备区。
- It's my favorite time to listen to the Voice Of America. 我最开心的时光就是听美国之音。
- The Communique on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations said that: "The United States of America recognizes the Government of the People's Republic of China as the sole legal government of China. 中美建交联合公报声明:“美利坚合众国承认中华人民共和国政府是中国的唯一合法政府。
- This event antedates the discovery of America by several centuries. 这件事比发现美洲早几个世纪。