- Gough Whitlam becomes the first Australian Labor Party Prime Minister of Australia for 23 years. 1972年高夫·惠特兰成为首位澳大利亚工党的澳大利亚总理并执政23年(后继者为爱德华)。
- A kid who lived Gough Whitlam's dream that every child should have a desk with a lamp on it where he or she could study. 每个儿童小时候都应该有一个梦想服务台,与一盏梦想之灯,这使他,或她可以研究。
- GOUGH WHITLAM: "Australia is moving in a new direction in its relationships with the world and specifically with the region in which Australia inevitably belongs. 在国际关系上,澳大利亚正朝着新的方向发展。
- I remember as a teenager following closely the visit of Australia's Prime Minister Gough Whitlam to China on television in 1973 after the Australia Labor Government recognised China in 1972. 我记得当时还是个十多岁的孩子,很关注电视上对澳大利亚总理惠特拉姆先生1973年访华的跟踪报道。澳大利亚工党在此前一年,1972年承认了中华人民共和国。
- The former premier of Australia, Mr. Gough Whitlam, was visiting this Institute 澳大利亚前总理惠特拉姆在我所参观访问
- Gough Whitlam 高夫·惠特拉姆
- Vincent Van Gough is my favorite painter. 梵谷是我最喜欢的画家。
- Helen admired the work of Van Gough. 海伦欣赏梵谷的画作。
- John Gough Nichols;Roxburghe Club. 著者: Edward, King of England;
- Gough Richard M.Stallman (Network Theory Ltd. An Introduction to GCC 作者 Brian J.
- Whitlam was dismissed as Australian Prime Minister in 1975. 惠特拉姆在1975年被解除了澳大利亚总理的职位。
- A Gough winter is not a nice place to be a seabird or a mouse. 戈夫岛冬天对于海鸟和老鼠都不是一个好地方。”
- Gough Island mice weigh just 1.2 ounces (35 grams) on average. 戈夫岛上的老鼠平均体重只有1.;2盎司。
- I found a lot of famous paintings by Vincent Van Gough on the Internet. 我在互联网上找到了很多梵高的名画。
- Gough, N. (1992), Blueprints for Greening Schools, Melbourne: Gould League. 林胜义(2001);服务学习指导手册;台北市:行政院青年辅导委员会.
- The Gough Square home where he wrote his dictionary is also a museum. 他编纂字典的位于高夫广场的房子现在也是一个博物馆。
- In 1973, the year when Whitlam had been in power and Australia had established diplomatic relationships with China, the "White Australia Policy" was finally abolished. 惠特拉姆执政、中澳建交之后的1973年,澳大利亚终于废止了“白澳政策”,向亚洲开启了移民之门。
- This rare species was first discovered in 1881 from Mount Gough and since then no record has been added. 本种为稀有种,于1881年在歌赋山首次发现,近一百年内无记录。
- Distribution: Endemic to Hong Kong, only known in a few localities in Mount Gough. 地理分布:香港特有种。仅见于歌赋山。
- A kid inspired by Gough and Margaret's audacious and historic journeys to China. 小时候的灵感天赋来自于玛格丽特的大胆的和历史性的中国知识历程。