- Golden Cock biscuit 金鸡饼干
- By cock and pie it is not worth a penny. 说句天地良心话,那根本一文不值。
- His excuse really takes the biscuit! 他的借口实在令人难以相信!
- He strutted about the street like a gaudy fighting cock. 他在街上大摇大摆地走,像一只绚丽好斗的公鸡。
- The crowing of the cock is a harbinger of dawn. 鸡啼报晓。
- I caught her with her fingers in the biscuit tin. 我看见她手指还在饼干盒里呢。
- This morning I got up at cock crow. 今天早上我黎明时分就起床了。
- My parents are celebrating their golden jubilee. 我父母正在庆祝他们的金婚纪念。
- Turn the cock to increase the flow of water. 请开大龙头以增加水流量。
- The Silver Age came next, inferior to the golden. 接下来的是逊于黄金时代的白银时代。
- The cock's head perked when it was challenged. 受到挑战时公鸡昂首挺立。
- A small, thin, crisp cake, biscuit, or candy. 华夫饼干一种小而薄、脆的饼、饼干或糖果
- Every cock crow loud on his own dunghill. 自家粪堆上,公鸡叫得响。
- Speech is silver; silence is golden. [谚]雄辩是银,沉默是金。
- Every cock crows on its own dunghill. 每只公鸡都会在自家的粪丘上啼叫。
- As snack, they offer us water biscuit with cheese spread. 作为小吃,他们为我们提供了带奶酪涂层的水面饼干。
- She is a vision of loveliness with her golden hair. 她长著一头金发,真是可爱极了。
- He is like a cock who though the sun has risen to hear him crow. 他像一只以为太阳出来是为了听他啼声的雄鸡。
- The champagne was quaffed from huge golden goblets. 香槟酒被从金色的高脚杯里一饮而尽。
- You must really see some golden sunsets here. 你一定得看看这里金色的夕照。