- Don't go from place to place doing nothing. 别从一个地方走到另一个地方,什么事都不做。
- She went from place to place, and dug and weeded. 她到处走, 又挖土, 又锄草。
- To go from place to place as a salesperson or an agent. 旅行推销作为推销员或代理商在各个地方旅行
- In order to make a living, he had to go from place to place hunting for jobs. 为了生计,他不得不经常在外奔波。
- He went from place to place to practise drawing scenery. 为了练习画风景,他去了一个又一个地方。
- My father had a hard life going from place to place all the year round. 我父亲一生辛苦,奔走于外。
- To go here and there; move from place to place. 走动四处走动;从一处走到另一处
- Jesus not only was a sinless man who went from place to place doing good things, he was also the Savior of mankind. 耶稣既是无罪的行善者,他又是人类救世主。
- Doing work means moving an object from place to place. 做功意味着把物体从一个地方移动到另一个地方。
- Today, many Tuareg do not live in the desert.Countries around the Sahara Desert do not want groups of people going from place to place. 现今,很多图阿雷格人已不住在沙漠里了,(因为)撒哈拉沙漠周边的国家不希望一群一群的人四处迁徙。
- One who walks from place to place; an itinerant. 巡行者,漫步者从一处到另一处步行; 巡行者
- Unlike large, organized tour groups, which rely on set schedules, you can decide to go from place to place as you wish.There are no annoying tour leaders with their megaphones herding you like a duck. 跟一切按照行程走的大型旅行团的不同在于,你可以自由选择参观的地点,而不会有烦人的导游用扩音器把你当鸭子赶。
- Still others (covered with scales) depended upon a swimming motion to go from place to place in their search for food, and gradually they populated the ocean with myriads of fishes. 还有一些身上覆着鳞片的细胞,它们凭借游泳似的动作四处来去,寻找食物。慢慢地,它们变成了海洋里繁若晨星的鱼类。
- She travels from place to place selling cosmetics. 她四处去推销化妆品。
- Able to move independently from place to place. 机动的能独立地从一地移动到一地的
- Sliding door of 4 Walnut glass, when open is shut division of wood of in any case intersects, make going from place to place appearance. 四扇胡桃木玻璃推拉门,在开启关闭时横竖木格相交,成为流动的画面。
- To move from place to place,especially at random. 漂移,游荡尤指随意地从一处移动到另一处
- Traveling from place to place;itinerant. 巡回的,巡游的从一地旅游到另一个地方;巡回的
- They had to move from place to place. 他们只好到处迁徙。
- The Shelleys moved restlessly from place to place. 雪莱一家经常到处迁徙。