- Gliocladiurn virens 绿粘帚霉
- The inhibition of extracts of Mentha arvensis L. and Euphorbia helioswpia L. to Ustilaginoidea virens was observed. 摘要分别用薄荷和泽漆提取液对稻曲病菌进行离体抑菌活性研究。
- A marine food fish(Pollachius virens) of northern Atlantic waters, related to the cod. 青鳕,绿鳕一种海洋食用鱼(青鳕、蓝鳕或绿青鳕),产于北大西洋水域,和鳕鱼有亲缘关系
- The only victory comes from Ding Wei, he after cymbidium virens cup again gram Li Shishi. 唯一的胜利来自丁伟,他继春兰杯后再克李世石九段。
- Title: Preliminary Report on the Isolation Technique of Ustilagonoidea virens (Cooke) Tak. 关键词:稻曲病菌;分离技术;培养基;菌落;孢子
- Rice false smut (Vistilaginodea virens) is a sever disease in later rice growth stage, the pathogen invades rice when head sprouting and flowering. 稻曲病现已成为水稻后期主要病害,其发生危害程度主要与水稻生育期、气候、施肥水平、菌源量等因素有关。
- Lasse Viren of Finland fell midway through the 10,000m final, but rose and set a world record to win the first of his four career gold medals. 芬兰的韦伦在万米决赛进行到中段时还处于落后,但随后赶超最终创造了世界纪录并拿到了他职业生涯4枚奥运金牌的第一金。
- The extract from Aspidistra elationr and Chlorophytum comosum cv.Variegatum showed the remarkable restraint to Trichoderma virens, while the ones from Dracaena Sanderiana. 在植物叶片内含物抑菌作用测定中,蜘蛛抱蛋和银边吊兰对木霉的抑菌率达60%25以上,其余7种植物对木霉的生长无明显抑制作用;
- Guo J H, Wen C J.Studies on the antagonism of Trichoderma spp and Gliocladium virens to Penicillium italium[J].South China Journal of Agricultural Science, 2001, 14(3): 59-62. [3]郭江洪; 文成敬.;木霉和绿色粘帚霉对柑橘青霉病菌的拮抗作用[J]
- The grandson cymbidium virens when the congress starts announced: The congress should arrive at representative 1800 people, the reality to represents 1771 people, conforms to the quorum. 孙春兰在大会开始时宣布:大会应到代表1800人,实到代表1771人,符合法定人数。
- rice false smut ( Ustilaginoiden virens ) 稻曲病
- Losses caused by Ustilaginoidea virens and analysis on its occurrence 稻曲病为害损失测定与发病因素分析
- Studies on Effect of Gliodadium virens on Citrus Pale and Green Mold 绿色粘帚霉防治柑橘青绿霉病研究
- PCR Detection of Ustilaginoidea virens in Rice Plant during Reproduction Stage 水稻生殖生长期植株上稻曲病菌的PCR检测
- Biological Characteristics of Chlamydospore Production by Gliocladium virens 厚垣孢子的生物学特性
- The Effects of 6-BA on Multi-topbud Plant Growth of Dracaena sanderiana'Virens' 6-BA对富贵竹加工多顶芽植株生长的影响
- Study on the Epidemic Meteorological Condition of Ustilaginoidea virens 鄂州市水稻稻曲病流行的气象条件初探
- a marine food fish(Pollachius virens) of northern Atlantic waters,related to the cod 一种海洋食用鱼(青鳕、蓝鳕或绿青鳕),产于北大西洋水域,和鳕鱼有亲缘关系
- Occurrence and Chemical Control of False Smut of Two-Line System Hybrid Rice Infected by Ustilaginoidea Virens 两系杂交稻稻曲病发生规律及防治
- The Pathogenic Regulation of Rice Ustilaginoidea Virens and Its Control Demonstration of Using New Medicament "Xinai" 稻曲病的发病规律及新药剂"爱苗"的防治示范