- Glands of Montgomery Montgomery腺
- Bump of mammary gland of how fast detumescence? 怎样快速消肿乳腺肿块?
- gland of Montgomery 蒙哥马利氏腺,乳晕腺
- areolar gland of Montgomery 乳晕腺, 蒙格马利腺
- Histological Observation on Adrenal Glands of ?Rhizomys sinensis? 中华竹鼠肾上腺的组织学观察
- Beeswax is a kind of secretions from wax gland of worker bee. 蜂蜡是工蜂蜡腺的分泌物。
- Lacrimal gland of youth seem to be particularly well-developed. 青春的泪腺似乎特别发达。
- The reproductive glands of male fishes when filled with this fluid. (雄鱼的)生殖腺充满精液的雄鱼生殖腺
- Acne: Inflammatory disease of the oil glands of the skin. 痤疮(粉刺): 皮脂腺的炎症性疾病,有近五十种类型。
- The objective fell far short of Montgomery's dream of racing into the Ruhr and thence to Berlin. 蒙哥马利原来打算先挺进鲁尔区再直捣柏林,现在这个目标同他的梦想相距甚远。
- Ergothionine is found in the ampullary glands of horse and jack ass. 在马和驴的腹腺中有麦硫因。
- But the bus belonged to the city of Montgomery in the southern state of Alabama. 但这辆车属于阿拉巴马州南部的蒙哥马利市
- Give this piece of cardboard portrait of the fans also mimic the dress of Montgomery. 举这幅硬纸板画像的球迷也模仿了蒙哥马利的穿着打扮。
- An improved version of Montgomery multiplier was proposed basing the Tenca-Todorov-Ko? 针对Tenca-Todorov-Ko?
- The glands of the stomach are typical simple branched tubular glands. 胃腺是典型的单分枝管状腺。
- The objective fell far short of Montgomery's dream of racing into the Ruhr and thence to Berlin, but it promised a strategic base for a later try. 蒙哥马利原来打算先挺进鲁尔区再直捣柏林的,现在这个目标同他的梦想相距甚远,但有希望得到一个战略基地以备日后再试。
- Saliva is secretion of the salivary glands. 唾液是唾液腺的分泌物。
- There wasn't a shooting victim that didn't have less than three bullet wounds in them," said Dr. Joseph Cacioppo of Montgomery Regional Hospital. 这个家伙是十足的禽兽,救治死伤学生的医生说:这个禽兽在每个遇难者身上都开了至少3枪。没有一个受害者身上是少于3枪的。
- Conclusion CGRP may affect function of the adrenal gland of burned rats. 结论降钙素基因相关肽可能是烫伤大鼠肾上腺功能改变的影响因素之一。
- Parafollicular cells were not observed in the thyroid gland of juvenile yak. 在幼龄牦牛甲状腺中未发现腺泡旁细胞。