- Give them a fightingchance. 给他们一次努力的机会吧。
- He was inclined to give them a free hand. 他倾向于放手让他们干。
- Our ambition is to give them a beau ideal of a welcome. 我们很想给他们以一次最隆重的欢迎。
- Wet the windows and then give them a good clean. 把玻璃窗弄湿,然后擦擦乾净。
- I polished my shoes to give them a gloss. 我擦了皮鞋使其光亮。
- I see no objection whatsoever to give them a lecture on tragedy. 我根本不反对给他们开一个讲座,谈谈悲剧。
- Couple of hot dogs, Steve, and give them a touch of mustard. 史蒂夫,来两份热狗,上面加点芥末。
- If you don't receive an answer quickly, give them a prod. 你要是不能很快得到答覆,不妨催他们一下。
- Sit your guests down and give them a drink. 让你的客人们坐下喝杯饮料。
- They may win the game, but we'll give them a good run for their money. 他们即使能赢得这场比赛,我们也不会让他们轻易取胜。
- They jollied her into giving them a song. 他们哄得她给大家唱了支歌。
- He might as well give them a decent break. 让大家好好歇一下。
- He wanted to give them a thousand cocktails. 他要给他们喝许多许多鸡尾酒。
- It will give them a new competitive advantage. 这将提供他们新的竞争优势。
- You should give them a good example. 你应该给他们树立一个好榜样。
- Wet the window and then give them a good clean. 把玻璃窗弄湿,然后擦擦干净。
- I offered to give them a lift but they declined. 我主动邀请他们搭车,但他们婉言谢绝了。
- I'll give them a wee fright there. 我去吓它们一下.
- We should give them a dose of their own medicine. 对于他们,我们应该以牙还牙。
- Let's join in and give them a warm welcome. 让我们也一起给他们以热烈的欢迎。