- If you do that again you'll get a good ticking off. 如果你再干那种事,你会受到责备的。
- give sb a good beating, scolding, telling-off, etc 给某人一顿痛打﹑ 痛骂﹑ 痛斥等
- Give sb a ring Give me a ring if you can come. 如果你能来给我打电话。
- to give sb a good talking-to 狠狠训斥某人一顿
- Give sb a good start in life 给某人生活一个好的开始
- Give sb a good ticking-off 把某人狠狠骂一顿.
- give sb a good character 给某人好评, 推荐某人
- give sb a good cuff on the ear 狠狠地凑某人一记耳光
- give sb a good licking 狠凑某人一顿
- give sb a good warming 痛打某人, 痛骂某人
- State that you are considering giving sb a rest for a week. 声明你正在考虑让sb放一个星期的假。
- Notice of give sb a present Send close furniture, see literal can know, should be the thing that can make mom more comfortable, say to send a chair for example. 送礼须知送贴心家具,看字面就能知道,应该是能让妈妈更舒适的东西,比方说送椅子。
- State that you are considering giving sb a prolonged rest from matches. 声明你正在考虑让sb放一个长假。
- I'm going to give the house a good cleanup. 我准备把屋子好好打扫一下。
- State that you are considering giving sb a rest for a couple of weeks. 声明你正在考虑让sb放两三个星期的假。
- When we want to ticked off sth. we should think of it carefully wether it will chang into a good situation. 当我们想生气的时候应该想一下生气是否能改变现状。
- Give the table a good rub with this polish. 用这上光剂把桌子好好擦一擦。
- Please give the table a good rub with this cloth. 请用这块布好好擦擦桌子。
- The new scheme got off to a good start. 新计划一开始进展顺利。
- Give sb a smack on the tail. 打某人屁股一下。