- I crossed seas and rivers to search for ginseng. 翻江过海来挖参。
- This is the genuine ginseng from Northeast. 这是道地的东北人参。
- Objective: It is to study the effect of Ginseng rhodiolae decoction on the rats complement activation. 目的:探讨人参红景天合剂对小鼠机体补体活性的影响。
- There is a flourishing trade in ersatz ginseng. 人参代用品的买卖很兴
- Where is the best ginseng produced? 哪里的人参最好?
- Have you ever decoct Chinese medicinal herbs? 您煎过中药吗?
- It looks very much like ginseng. 样子跟人参很相似。
- Decoct Chinese traditional medicine when build top? 煎中药的时候盖盖子吗?
- My aunt said you wanted some ginseng. 我阿姨说你要些人参。
- Methods The decoct number was discussed. 方法探讨煎煮次数;
- Jilin Ginseng Pilose Anlter Co., Ltd. 吉林省参茸公司。
- Irritability rhinitis how decoct medicine? 过敏性鼻炎怎样煎药?
- Cultivation technique of Panax ginseng C. A. Mey. 野山参的培育技术。
- CODEX Ginseng standard to cover one species? 国际食品法典委员会起草完成人参质量标准?
- When is decoct Chinese traditional medicine best? 什么时间煎中药最好?
- Thus, Chinese herbal medicine can only decoct. 如果能够把中药之有效成份纳米微粒化,就可提高水溶解性,这不仅便于服用也便于人体吸收。
- Ginseng, Fish, Berries, or Caffeine? 人参、鱼、草莓、还是咖啡因?
- Our ginseng tea sales have remained stable. 我们的人参茶销售仍旧是稳定的。
- Ginseng is the usual gift for a convalescent. 人参是送给康复期病人的常见馈赠。
- Ginseng can be grown from seeds or roots. 人参可以从种子或根来开始种植。