- German Submarine Consortium 德国潜艇协会
- They saw a German submarine resurfacing near their warship. 他们看见一艘德国潜艇在离他们的战舰不远处重新露出水面。
- Allied transports suffered greatly from German submarine attacks. 盟国的运输船受到德国潜艇攻击,损失惨重。
- No German submarine in that war ever overcome the terrors of the passage. 在那次大战中,没有一艘德国潜艇能克服这条航道的危险。
- No German submarine in that war ever overcame the terrors of the passage. 在那次大战中,没有一艘德国潜艇能克服这条航道的危险。
- One day Hoover hurried to Berlin to protest against the piratical act of a German submarine in sinking a Belgian relief ship. 一次,胡佛赶到柏林,对德国潜艇击沉比利时救济船只的海岛行径提出抗议。
- The Lusitania was a British ocean liner that was torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine during the First World War. 第一次世界大战期间,英国远洋邮轮卢西塔尼亚号被德国潜艇用鱼雷炸沉。
- At stake was whether or not Britain would be isolated and starved of food and war supplies by the German submarine blockade. 关与否,英国将被孤立和饥饿的食物和战争物资的德国潜艇封锁。
- A city of northwest Belgium on the North Sea west-southwest of Bruges. It was a German submarine base during World War I and was severely damaged by Allied bombing during World War II. Population,69,129. 比利时西北城市,位于布鲁日西南偏南,濒临北海。第一次世界大战时为德军潜艇基地,二战时同盟国的轰炸使其遭到严重破坏。人口69,129。
- A city of northwest Belgium on the North Sea west-southwest of Bruges. It was a German submarine base during World War I and was severely damaged by Allied bombing during World War II. Population,69, 129. 奥斯坦德比利时西北城市,位于布鲁日西南偏南,濒临北海。第一次世界大战时为德军潜艇基地,二战时同盟国的轰炸使其遭到严重破坏。人口69,129
- Most American shipping companies feared attack by German submarines. 大多数美国的船商害怕德国的潜艇攻击。
- Radar sets in patrol planes enabled the British and American navies to bring the German submarines under control. 安装在巡逻飞机上的雷达设备,使英、美海军得以制服德国潜艇。
- When it comes to German, I know nothing. 谈到德语,我一窍不通。
- "Developed by the British in World War I for use against German submarines, it consisted of a canister filled with explosives and dropped off the stern of a ship near a submerged submarine. 第一次世界大战时英国发展出第一批深水炸弹,用以对付德国潜艇,深水炸弹乃充满炸药的金属筒,在疑有潜艇处附近,将金属筒自船尾滚下。
- They are building a submarine cable tunnel. 他们正在建设一条海底电缆隧道。
- This destroyer can overrun any submarine. 这艘驱逐舰的速度比任何潜水艇都快。
- The English language is allied to the German language. 英语和德语属于同一语系。
- The vessel was ruined by a submarine. 那艘船是被潜水艇毁坏的。
- The ship was sunk by an atomic submarine. 这艘船是被一艘核潜艇击沉的。
- I find German grammar very difficult. 我发现德语语法很难学。