- German Garden Show 德国园林展
- The regularity of the garden shows the master is a gre. 花园的整洁体现了主人擅长园艺。
- The layout of the garden shows the designer's ingenuity. 园中布置别具匠心。
- We focused on the winner of garden show in Chelsea Flower Show 2006, summed up the trends of garden design in this year, benefit the planting and gardendesign of our country. 本文通过介绍2006年切尔西花展的花园获奖作品,总结出本年度花园设计的特点及发展潮流,为我国的花园设计提供借鉴和启示。
- Abstract: The planning of 07 Garden Show Park in Xiamen take full advantage of the exiting conditions and sets up the new landscape forms upon the exiting landscape features of the site. 摘要:厦门07年园博园规划方案充分利用了现状条件,使新的景观形式建立在基址原有的地域特征的基础上。
- The region's largest gardening show has been drawing in the crowds on the edge of the Malvern Hills. 这个地区最大的园艺秀把人群都吸引到了马尔福恩山边上来。
- When it comes to German, I know nothing. 谈到德语,我一窍不通。
- Abstract: There are deferent types of Garden Shows in the deferent countries according to the scale, the site and the contents of the events. 摘要:各个国家的园林展在规模、场地、展出的内容上有不同的类型。
- The air in the garden was warm and fragrant. 花园里的空气一片温馨。
- The garden is overgrown with weeds. 这个园子里长了许多野草。
- The Planning of 2007 Garden Show Park in Xiamen 厦门2007年园博园规划
- They appeared at events such as Expos, garden shows and garden festivals and were constructed for art, for cultural exchange or for commercial purpose. 它们出现在各种综合性的博览会、园林展和花园节中,出于艺术、文化或商业的目的而建造。
- A simple test will show if this is real gold. 简单的试验就能证明这是否是真金。
- The English language is allied to the German language. 英语和德语属于同一语系。
- West Palm Beach Home and Garden Show 西棕榈滩家和花园展
- I find German grammar very difficult. 我发现德语语法很难学。
- She spoke in German and in broken English. 她说德语,也能说不地道的英语。
- Open your German readers at page 28. 把德语课本翻到第28页。
- German cars are different than ours. 德国造的汽车和我们的不一样。
- I believe that he will show his true colors someday. 我相信他总有一天会现出原形的。