- Geothelphusa lutaon. 陆桃泽蟹
- Lutao replied,“Each morning I wake up and say to myself,'Mike,you have two choices today. 陆涛回答说:“每天早晨醒来时,我会对自己说:‘迈克,今天你有两种选择。
- "Zhang Baoquan, who admitted eyeful either spend" really do hope so, because otherwise it will not Xiaoshihou malnutrition, sub shops were Lutao as "small smart. “张宝全们却饿得满眼晕花”,真倒希望是这样,否则也不会因为小时侯营养不良,个子长不大,被陆涛说成“弱小精灵”。
- Over 120 lakes and reservoirs in Taiwan, 3 inPenghu, 6 in Kingman, 5 in Matsu, and several in Hsialiuchiu, Lutao and Lanyuhave been investigated in the past few years. About 20% lakes with 1ow alkalinityare more threatened by the acid rain. 针对台湾地区120个湖库、澎湖3个湖库、金门地区6个湖库、马祖地区5个湖库、小流球、绿岛、兰屿等地区之普遍调查,发现较受酸雨成协,也就是齿度较低的湖、库,大约占了20%25。
- LuTao, FengYong,Splitting Extrapolation based on domain decomposition for finite element approximations, Science in China (series E), April 1997, vol.40 No.2. P.144-155 吕涛,冯勇,基于区域分解的有限元分裂外推法,中国科学(E辑),第27卷,第一期,1997。
- Geothelphusa caesian. 蓝灰泽蟹
- Geothelphusa chiuin. 周氏泽蟹
- Geothelphusa miyazakiin. 宫崎泽蟹
- Geothelphusa dolichopodesn. 长足泽蟹
- Genus Geothelphusan. 泽蟹属
- Geothelphusa candidiensisn. 清亮泽蟹
- Geothelphusa gracilipesn. 细肢泽蟹
- Geothelphusa lanyun. 兰屿泽蟹