- George Soros A Huge Finance Crocodile? 索罗斯金融大鳄?
- George Soros wants to be the Bono of the financial world. 乔治·索罗斯想成为金融界的博诺。
- George Soros Open Society: Reforming Global Capitalism (2000, Little, Brown &Co. 《开放社会:全球资本主义大革新》,乔治?索罗斯/著,柯雷/译,联经出版公司,2001。
- It was refreshing to see Buffett and George Soros and a number of other extremely wealthy luminaries stand up in opposition to President Bush's proposed repeal of the estate tax. 巴菲特、乔治·索罗斯及其他一些有名的大富豪一起出面反对总统提出的废除遗产税计划,这确实有点新鲜别致。
- George Soros has called this need to guess the intentions of others 'reflexivity'. 监管的主要目标之一就是公开:通过要求在会计准则之下定期进行报告将机构的财务状况公之于众。
- In 1979, the company changed its name to George Soros, to Quantum Corporation, and from Haisenmoge quantum mechanics uncertainty law. 1979年,索罗斯将公司更名,改为量子公司,来源于海森帕格量子力学测不准定律。
- Thomas Edison was not balanced. He was focused. Bill Gates was not balanced. He was focused. Donald Trump is focused. George Soros is focused. 爱迪生不追求平衡,他集中精力于某样东西;比尔·盖茨也不追求平衡;索罗斯把注意力紧紧盯在一点上。
- George Soros sets aside a proportion of the profits from his financial gambles to fund educational foundationsother good works. 我本以为自己是在做善事,我的满足感最近被打破了。
- As Roma was already known attempt to George Soros, the bluff of the Arabs, now the bullet remains in the hands of the Sensi family, which will Rosella? 罗马已经引起了投资巨鳄索罗斯的兴趣,可是,狡猾的阿拉伯人只闪现了一下,现在,球队依然属于森西家族,下一个将会是谁?罗塞拉?
- S. dollars.Quantum Fund founder George Soros that the U.S. is being swamped with a global scale, future inflation will be inevitable. 量子基金创始人索罗斯则认为,美元正在全球范围内泛滥成灾,未来通货膨胀将不可避免。
- George Soros sets aside a proportion of the profits from his financial gambles to fund educational foundations and other good works. 乔治o索罗斯(GeorgeSoros)留出了在金融赌博中获得的一部分利润,用于资助教育基金会和做其它善事。
- Li Ka-shing, Bill.Gates, George Soros and so on, the thundering are the names of the ear irrigation and enormous wealth to equate Hua Zhao. 李嘉诚、比尔.;盖茨、索罗斯等等,这些如雷灌耳的名字都和巨大的财富划着等号。
- Unfortunately, the Open Society Institute, founded by George Soros, a financier and philanthropist, had some rather mixed news on that front this week. 若说某个地区能在不同宗教信仰的人群间找到妥协相处之道,则非欧洲莫属。
- The life and times of George Soros are indeed interesting, but the "trading secrets" of the title are based more on his intuition than on objective evidence. 生活和时代的索罗斯确实是个有趣的问题,但"贸易机密"的标题是基于更多关于他的直觉,而不是客观的证据。
- Central Bank Governor Zhou Xiaochuan, China Banking Regulatory Commission Chairman Liu Mingkang, George Soros and other investment will also be attending the meeting. 央行行长周小川、银监会主席刘明康、投资大鳄索罗斯等也将与会。
- GEORGE SOROS, a billionaire investor, wants a “new sheriff” for global finance, an international regulator to heal the “worst financial crisis in 60 years”. 虽然已经是金融大鳄,但是乔治.;索罗斯还是需要一个全球金融“治安官”、国际立法机构来拯救“60年以来最严重的金融危机”;
- A rational society should draw a line between legitimate profit-making and exploitative profiteering,lest the likes of George Soros be hailed as the epitome of wisdom while rationality gets booted out the window. 一个理性的社会总应该在正当盈利与暴利剥削之间有一条界限。否则,索罗斯们的伎俩反而会被尊为最高智慧,理性则无立足之地矣。
- Kudos, then, to those conspicuously non-consuming wealthy American opponents of recent efforts to abolish estate taxes: George Soros, Bill Gates senior( the father of the world's richest man) and Warren Buffett. 这句话大概的意思是对于那些‘显阔’(前面摆阔或去享受的两种有钱人相对来说)人愿意把精力花在废除地产税上,而这些人恰恰是世界最顶级的富豪:索罗丝,盖茨的父亲,和巴菲特。
- Last month, Hainan Airlines, a regional carrier in which George Soros, a financier, holds a14.8% stake, announced plans to sell its non-tradable shares to finance expansion and repay debt. 上个月,作为一家金融大鳄乔治·罗斯入股14.;8%25的地方性航空运营商,海南航空宣布计划卖出非流通股,为扩张筹资并用于偿还债务。
- Last month, Hainan Airlines, a regional carrier in which George Soros, a financier, holds a 14.8% stake, announced plans to sell its non-tradable shares to finance expansion and repay debt. 上个月,作为一家金融大鳄乔治·索罗斯入股14.;8%25的地方性航空运营商,海南航空宣布计划卖出非流通股,为扩张筹资并用于偿还债务。