- For this reason it is often convenient to overlay the geochemical map with a geological map transparency. 由于这个缘故,最好用透明的地质图蒙在地球化学图上。
- Such rock samples are called cores, and it is possible to analyze them by both geological and geochemical methods. 这种岩石样品叫做岩心。可用地质的和地球化学的方法对岩心加以分析。
- Geological and sedimentological analyses are adequate,but,geochemical means seem weaker. 但这些研究多集中于地层学、微体古生物学、孢粉学等方面。
- We got success at a tr ial of some geological item. 该方法在某地质勘查项目定点实验中取得成功。
- Comprehensive geochemical surveys are analysed. 广义的地球化学普查需要分析。
- The stratigraphy of Upper Permian-Triassic sequence in Hami depression is studied based on geological, seismic, logging end geochemical data. 摘要根据地质、地震、测井及地球化学资料对吐哈盆地哈密坳陷上二叠统-三叠系的层序地层学特征进行了研究。
- It shows the geological and geochemical characteristics of a REE deposit in granitic weathered crust in the eastern part of Guangdong Province. 本文以大量实际资料为基础,对粤东某一花岗岩风化壳稀土矿床的地质地球化学特征作了描述。
- This paper describes the geological and geochemical features of the ore deposit and proves its subvolcanic hydrothermal metallogenesis. 文章较系统阐明了磁海矿床的成矿地质地球化学特征,证实了它的次火山热液成矿特征。
- Do geological faults exist in the vicinity? 周边是否存在地质缺陷?
- China Geological Coal Mine Corp. 中国地方煤矿总公司。
- It is of significance to study the metallogenetic geological setting and geochemical characteristics of Poshan silver deposit,a type of large metamorphic clasolite deposit. 破山银矿床是我国著名的变质碎屑岩大型银矿床,研究此类矿床的成矿地质背景及地球化学特征具有重要意义。
- The Balcones Fault is the geological dividing line. 鲍尔肯断层是地理分界线。
- The sedimentary rock-hosted micrograined and disseminated gold deposits in Guizhou were formed by complex geological and geochemical processes in low temperature and open system. 贵州赋存于沉积岩中的微细浸染型金矿床为低温开放体系中经复杂地质地球化学作用形成。
- The genesis of Keketale Lead-Zinc Deposit is discussed by means of its geological characters and geochemical characters, providing the basis for sulfide type Lead-Zinc deposit. 通过可可塔勒铅锌矿床地质特征及地球化学特征的研究,探讨可可塔勒铅锌矿床的成因,为寻找硫化物型铅锌矿提供了依据。
- Therefore seafloor hydrothermalism is a geological process of planet scale and should not be overlooked in any cases.It is especially important in understanding geochemical ba... 对于认识海水地球化学平衡和研究某些形成于海底的矿床的成因,它更有特别重要的意义。
- They built it right over a geological fault. 它正好建在一个地质断层上。
- A detailed geological, isotope petrological and geochemical study combined with collection and sorting out of relevant data has been carried out on the granitoids. 本文系统收集和整理了相关地质资料,并对区内中生代花岗岩类进行了较详细的地质学、年代学和岩石地球化学研究。
- The geological setting,geological features and geochemical study of elements show that the deposit belongs to a new type deposit in the research area or in whole Qilianshan area. 矿床成矿地质环境、地质特征、元素地球化学研究表明,该矿床为研究区乃至祁连山地区新发现的矿床类型,受地层构造岩浆岩三位一体控制。
- Suitable for highpower saws and geological broach. 适用于大功率锯切,优质钻头。
- For evaluating nickel-cobalt resources,modern technologies such as geological,geophysical and geochemical analyses and surveys have been proven as effective. 二为“走出去”评价和开发国际可利用的镍钴矿产资源,建立相对稳定的矿产资源供应体系。