- Gently flow the autumn streams. 秋水潺暖。
- The autumn or winter term start in September. 秋季或冬季学期九月份开始。
- The autumn woods were aflame with colour. 那片秋林红似火。
- The autumn harvest is about to start. 秋收即将开始。
- Fare tend to go down in the autumn and rise again at christmas. 交通票价秋季时趋于下降,而圣诞节期间又开始回升。
- There is a rumor that there will be a General Election in the autumn. 据传闻今秋将举行普选。
- We are enjoying the resplendent colors of the New England woods in the autumn. 我们欣赏着秋天里新英格兰树林的瑰丽色彩。
- The autumn wind piped through empty aisles. 空空的过道里秋风吹得呼啸作响。
- Rays of sun glinted among the autumn leaves. 太阳光穿过秋叶照射下来。
- The plants and flowers sicken in the autumn. 在秋天花草都枯萎了。
- The companies she had were the steep cliffs, the gently flowing stream, and the trees that whispered in the wind. 壁立的岩石;静静流着的小河;风过处便窃窃私语的树林;都成为了她的亲密邻居.
- The play will tour the provinces in the autumn. 这部戏将于今年秋季在这几个省巡回演出。
- Fresh vegetables are very cheap in the autumn. 新鲜蔬菜在秋天很便宜。
- The Spring concerto musically describes joyful birds, gently flowing streams, a short thunderstorm, a sleepy goatherd, and dancing nymphs celebrating spring's arrival. 春节协奏曲音乐描述欢乐鸟,轻轻地流入河流,在短期雷雨,一个沉睡的牧羊人,若虫和舞蹈庆祝春天的到来。
- The autumn sky is clear and the air is crisp. 秋高气爽。
- The river is gently flowing among the whispering reeds. 河水慢慢地在低语的芦草中流动。
- I feel a little cool in the autumnal night. 在秋天的晚上,我感到一丝凉意。
- Our new model is already on the stocks and will be available in the autumn. 我们正著手生产一种新的款式,可望在秋季面世。
- The autumn wind is soughing in the trees. 秋风飒飒。
- I remember the simple and elegant grace of the dances of the natives, dressed in brightly colored robes, salient against the tranquil backdrop of gently flowing streams and rocky escarpments. 我仍然记得当地的人穿着色彩鲜艳的衣袍,在淙淙徐流的小溪和石崖峭的景色前简单而优美地舞蹈。