- Some people have suggested that genetic programming is the answer here. 一些人们有提议遗传基因的规画是答案这里。
- A genetic programming (GP) based approach was developed for the synthesis of complex distillation systems. 摘要提出了基于遗传规划的复杂精馏系统的综合方法。
- An Improved Genetic Programming algorithm (IGP) was developed for the synthesis of complex distillation systems. 提出了一种可用于复杂精馏系统综合的改进遗传规划算法,利用其独特的层次化结构来直观地表达问题。
- An Improved Genetic Programming algorithm(IGP) was developed for the synthesis of complex distillation systems. 提出了一种可用于复杂精馏系统综合的改进遗传规划算法,利用其独特的层次化结构来直观地表达问题。
- The same seems to be true of genetic programming run on a loosely connected network of computers. 遗传规划若是在连结松散的电脑网路内执行,状况似乎也是如此。
- Aim To apply Genetic Programming (GP) to the Modeling of TCES (Tax Capacity Estimation System). 摘要目的将基于遗传程序设计(GP)的数据建模方法应用于税收能力智能估测系统建模中。
- The paper proposes a novel method for the identification of Hammerstein model based on genetic programming. 该文基于遗传规划提出了一种辨识哈默斯坦模型的新方法。
- The article described a new approach to the use of genetic programming for XOR problems. 摘要介绍了一种用遗传规划这种新的搜索优化技术解决经典异或问题的新途径。
- Design is especially well suited to genetic programming because it presents tough problems for which people seek solutions that are very good but not mathematically perfect. 设计领域特别适合采用遗传规划,因为人们从事设计的目的,是想为难题找出非常好、却不见得在数学上完美的答案。
- A novel Parsimonious Genetic Programming (PGP) algorithm for aero-engine starting process optimum data-driven nonlinear dynamic modeling was proposed. 摘要提出了一种新的用于航空发动机最优化起动过程数据驱动动态建模的约简遗传规划(PGP)算法。
- Genetic programming was applied to the prediction of the gossan in the southeast of Hubei province.The successful rate was high. 本文运用遗传程序设计,对鄂东南地区44个铁帽进行了计算机识别,识别成功率较高。
- A new kind of insulation fault diagnosis method for power transformers using genetic programming(GP) based discriminant functions was presented. 基于遗传编程(GP),提出了一种用于电力变压器绝缘故障诊断的判别函数法。
- To realize plan view pattern control,a forecast model is set up based on genetic programming(GP),in order to increase the rate of finished products. 为实现平面形状控制,提高成材率,应用遗传规划算法建立了中厚板边部和头尾的预测模型。
- Combined with the instant Darwin evolution mechanism of thought and the meaning of genetic programming,the evolution process of design thought was represented. 结合思维的瞬间达尔文进化机制和遗传程序设计的思想 ;阐述了设计思维的进化过程 .
- Genetic programming was applied to design multi components complex distillation process by setting up an interrelationship between the individual code and the process structure. 通过建立个体编码与流程结构的对应关系,将遗传规划应用于多组分复杂精馏过程设计。
- According to the characteristics of the genetic programming, this paper introduced two ideas with three methods for the XOR problems and achieved good results. 根据遗传规划特征,引入两种思路、三种方法对异或问题进行求解,取得了很好的效果。
- MARTIN A.KEANE, JOHN R.KOZA and MATTHEW J.STREETER work closely with one another studying genetic programming using a home-built, 1,000-Pentium parallel computer. 基恩、柯扎与斯特里特三人有密切的合作关系,他们以1000台奔腾电脑自组成平行电脑,进行遗传规划的研究。
- JOHN R.KOZA, MARTIN A.KEANE and MATTHEW J.STREETER work closely with one another studying genetic programming using a home-built, 1,000-Pentium parallel computer. 柯扎、基恩与斯特里特三人有密切的合作关系,他们以1000台奔腾电脑自组成平行电脑,进行遗传规划的研究。
- After comparison with the results forecasted by means of time series and genetic programming (GP), it proves that the algorithm of GEP in short-term load forecasting is better. 经比较,基于基因表达式程序设计及其误差循环补偿的预测模型比时间序列和遗传程序设计算法具有更好的预测效果。
- "This is promising because it means the genetic program for regeneration exists somewhere in the ertebrate family," Heller said. “这是大有希望的,因为这意味着在脊椎动物家系里,再生的基因程序存在某个地方。”