- Genetic mental retardation 遗传性智力迟缓
- Down syndrome is the most common genetic cause of mental retardation. 唐氏综合症是最常见的导致智力迟缓的基因原因。
- A score below 70 may indicate mental retardation. 如果分数低于70可能表明智力迟钝。
- Down Syndrome syndrome is the most common genetic cause of metal retaration mental retardation. 唐氏综合症是最为常见的基因遗传的智力迟钝。
- Tuberous sclerosis is a rare genetic disorder characterized by a triad of signs: seizures, mental retardation, and small benign facial skin tumors (angiofibromas). 什么是'结节性硬化症-遗传性疾病导致神经体系和皮肤问题'?
- They said their achievement offers the potential for treatment of the disorder, the most common form of inherited mental retardation and a leading identified genetic cause of autism. 他们说,他们的成就提供了潜力,为治疗该疾病,是最常见的一种遗传性智力迟钝和领导确定遗传造成自闭症。
- The state or condition of being an idiot;profound mental retardation. 智力障碍处于痴呆的状态;极其严重的智力障碍
- The state or condition of being an idiot; profound mental retardation. 智力障碍处于痴呆的状态;极其严重的智力障碍。
- They also identified at least two sites that have previously been linked to mental retardation. 他们还发现了至少两个此前已知与智力发育障碍有关的位置。
- Her younger daughter was mentally retarded. 她的幼女是一个弱智儿童。
- Mental retardation is a widely used term to describe people with less than average intelligence. 智障是一个广泛使用的术语,用来描述那些智力低于正常水平的人。
- Savant syndrome is seen in about one in 10 people with autism and in approximately one in 2,000 people with brain damage or mental retardation. 10个自闭症患者,以及2000个脑部损伤或智能障碍者当中,可能有一位出现学者症候群。
- The state or condition of being an imbecile;moderate or severe mental retardation. 低能,弱智低能、弱智的状态或情况;中度或严重智力障碍
- The chromosome aberration rates were 15.3% for children with mental retardation and 3.7% for control group. 智力低下儿童染色体畸变率为15·3%25,对照组为3·7%25;
- The mental retardation is correlative with the chromosome aberration and the fragile site expression rate. 提示精神发育迟滞与染色体的畸变率和脆性部位的表达率有一定的相关性。
- Prenatal and infant exposure can cause mental retardation, deafness and blindness. 胎儿及新生儿接触汞会造成智障,耳聋,失明。
- And for some reason, musical genius often seems to accompany blindness and mental retardation, as it does for Lemke. 由于未知的原因,音乐天才似乎与眼盲及智能障碍有所关联,好比莱姆克。
- Objective To investigate the characteristics of cognitive evoked potentials in mental retardation and idiot savant. 目的研究精神发育迟缓和白痴学者认知电位的特征。
- Although her wound was insignificant, the foetus was diagnosed with mental retardation of a third grade level. 本人无大碍,但胎儿当时出现宫内窘迫,出生后成为三级智力残障者。
- Iodine deficiency in infants has been associated with mental retardation, diminished intelligence, and stunted growth. 缺碘的婴儿通常智力迟钝,智力低下,以及发育缓慢。