- Gauss sustainer 高斯不变算子
- Gauss showed him that the proof was fallacious. 高斯向他指出证明是错误的。
- Gauss did see the most revolutionary implication. Gauss确实看到了最富有变革性的含义。
- Little Gauss was very good at maths. 小高斯很擅长数学。
- Little Gauss wrote the number in his exercise-book. 小高斯在作业本上写下答案。
- May lord bless and sustain you in your loss. 愿上帝保佑你,不要因此损失而一蹶不振。
- Heavily Fortified Obelisks activate Gauss weaponry. 很重加强的方尖石塔启动高斯武器。
- The future will sustain my suspicion. 事态的发展将会证明我的怀疑是对的。
- Karl Gauss pioneered hyperbolic geometry. 卡尔·高斯开辟了双曲线几何学。
- Yet we need computers to sustain our society. 然而我们需要计算机维系我们的社会。
- The foundations were not strong enough to sustain the weight of the house. 这地基不够牢固,无法承受房屋的重量。
- The book's weakness is the author's inability to sustain an argument. 该书的缺点在于作者未能把论证展开。
- The ice will not sustain your weight. 这冰承受不了你的体重。
- A unit of magnetic induction equal to1, 000(103) gauss. 千高斯磁感应弹度单位,等于1,000(103)高斯
- They had sufficient food to sustain life. 他们有足够维持生命的食物。
- Can we sustain our growth and development ? 我们能否持续发展?
- Kastner was incredulous and sought to dismiss Gauss. 卡斯特纳不相信并且企图赶走高斯。
- He could not sustain such a shock. 他受不了这样的震惊。
- "Sustain private property" is a bourgeois concept. “确保私有”是受了资产阶级的影响。
- Their values sustain our national life. 他们的价值观念支持着我们的国家生活。