- Gangarides dharman. 钩翅舟蛾
- Have you attended any Dharma course before? 是否曾参加佛学课程?
- Have you ever attend Dharma Class? 是否有上过佛学班?
- Dharma Publishing has the picture. You may order i? 主题:谁有此图之清晰版本?
- Every Dharma is known in the heart. 达摩的内心深韵这一切。
- Dharma is not corrupt, it was corrupted. 本来没有问题,是被人为破坏的。
- A disciple asked for a Dharma name. 一位弟子请求一个法名。
- I express deep reverence to the Dharma. 我从心底深处,赞叹无上佛法。
- In that case, worldly dharma is also Buddhadharma. 那么,世间法也成了佛法。”
- Because it is an inspirational Dharma dream. 因为它是感应的法梦。
- Just take refuge in the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha. 就是要皈依三宝,因为佛、法、僧三宝是一体的,有佛才有法,有法才有僧。
- The Dharma until then is completely oblivious to such people. 放弃幻相之前,我们无从看到佛法的真相。
- In the seven categories of the bodhipak? Ika dharma, v. 七科七道品。
- Kindness, compassion, joy, and giving aid the Dharma King. 慈悲喜捨助法王。
- And I kind of ask myself why Buddha spoke the Dharma of repentance. 我曾试著问自己,佛陀为什么要说忏悔法呢?
- The next room is called the Hall of the Wheel of the Dharma. 隔壁是法轮殿。
- We can practice according to the Dharma to attain enlightenment. 如果时时保持我们的心是念佛的心,就是“悟”,就是“佛”。
- What is the infinite ability of spirit to Buddha Dharma? 佛法的心灵无限是什麽?
- It is the byproduct or energetic counterpart to dharma. 它是达到达摩的副产品或者积极的相似物。
- To revive Dharma, what kinds of activities are necessary? 问:什麽样的活动对复兴法教是绝对必需的?