- Through Mo SX, I got to know the person-in-charge Guo Xiang SG. 通过莫师兄,我认识了广惠肇关怀负责人,国香师姑。
- Guo Xiang is an important representative of Xuanxue in the West Jin Dynasty. 摘要郭象是西晋玄学的重要代表人物。
- After then, Pei Wei, Guo Xiang and some others protest, "nonexistence cannot birth ens". 之后的裴頠、郭象等人提出“无不生有”。
- While walking down from the stage, I received my first bamboo bank from, coincidently Guo Xiang SG. 走下礼台时,很巧地,我从国香师姑手中接下了我的第一个竹筒。
- When I first met Guo Xiang SG at KWSH during the first Tue, I was quite surprised. 当我第一个拜二到广惠肇时,我很惊讶的发现国香师姑与我初中数学老师有几分相像。
- Therefore, under the guidance of the teacher Zhao Guo Xiang, a system of military theoretical examination for the motorized infantry brigade has been designed and developed. 论文对摩步旅军事理论网上考核需求进行了详尽的分析和论证,总结了现有同类软件的不足之处,在此基础上设计了集题库维护、自动组卷、在线答题、自动阅卷、时间限定等功能于一体的考试系统。
- Guo Xiang's ontology of "individualization" is not a theory or methodology of logical analysis, but an overt and phenomenal realm, which calls for thinking in images. 郭象的“独化”本体论实质上并不是一种逻辑分析式的理论和方法,而是一种显现、现象性的境域,它需要的是象性思维。
- Accordingly, Fu Shan criticized Guo Xiang for his limitation and shallowness that was contradictory to Zhuang Zi's cosmic spirit of the harmony of all things. 据此,他批郭象自生独化论,自限一己之才性,流于眼光短浅,境界狭窄,有失庄子与万物融为一体的深厚宇宙精神。
- Individualistic Ontology of Guo Xiang 郭象的个体主义本体论
- Li in Wang Bi and Guo Xiang: Coherence in the Dark 玄冥:王弼与郭象的理
- Guo Xiang's Xuanxue ( Dark Learning) 郭象玄学
- Chou Cao Shi Yu Guo Xiang Xian Jian Ji 酬曹侍御过泉县见寄
- the reform of the enterprises and units in township (xiang zheng shi ye dan wei) 乡镇事业单位改革
- Guo is the bravest policeman I have ever seen. 小郭是我所见到的最勇敢的警察。
- The Comparison on the Opinions of Sheng Ren Between Zhuang zi and Guo Xiang 庄子、郭象圣人观之比较
- Pei Zheng Middle School is a Chinese school. 培正中学是一所华文学校。
- AD 247 years (eight yearssan guo wei zheng shi ) Pingyang County home. 公元247年(三国魏正始八年)置平阳郡。
- Zheng He was out of sight of land for one month. 郑和有一个月没看到陆地。
- HOU Guo xiang WENG Li da ZHANG Yong chuan WANG Cheng (College of Hydroelectricity and Digitalisation Eng.; HUST; Wuhan 430074; China); 华中科技大学水电与数字化工程学院;