- GTPase GTP 酶
- GTP hydrolysis is aided by GTPase activating proteins (GAPs), while exchange of GDP for GTP is facilitated by guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs). 公司致力于细胞信号传导相关蛋白得抗体制备和检测试剂盒的开发,同时向国内外科研院所,生物公司提供多肽合成和抗体定制等服务。
- How to build a GTP lab and relative criteria? 如何建构GTP实验室及其相关标准?
- The difference of content of TP, ALB, GLO, Ca P in blood and the activity of ALP GTP were not significant among groups. 血液中总蛋白、白蛋白、球蛋白、钙磷含量及ALP、GTP酶活性组间差异不显著。
- Inhibition of Rho family small GTPase signaling suppresses the migration and invasion of cancer cells. 不同型态的细胞转移会受到不同的机转调控。
- UMP kinase activity of rec-HP0777 protein was regulated by the activator GTP and inhibited by UTP. 重组蛋白HP0777的尿嘧啶核甘酸激酶活性被GTP所激活而被UTP所抑制。
- At present, this technology has been used in test preparation of GTP, UTP and dAMP, dGMP, dCTP, dTTP. 目前,该技术已用于GTP、UTP和dAMP、dGMP、dCTP、dTTP等产品的试制。
- This thesis analysises and discusses the GTP protocol and the inspect system of Gn interface. 本文主要分析和讨论了GTP协议以及Gn接口的监测系统。
- The highly purified pollen Dynamin had GTPase activity,which could be stimulated 1.64 fold by calf brain microtubules in vitro. 经过高度纯化的花粉动力蛋白仍具有GTPase活性;且可被牛脑微管激活1.;64倍;
- Kumadori is GTP (Go Text Protocol) cliet and GTP implementation for playing go-game and development new software. 给发展围棋游戏者使用的叙述协定与软体引擎。
- It is the first report of RNAi for Rho GTPase activator in Penicillium marneffei by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. 鉴于Rho GTPase在生物中的重要作用和转录基因沉默体系得建立,我们对其基因功能进行了初步的探讨。
- The waste slags produced after sewage disposal in oilfields are used for studying GTP profile control agent. 利用油田水质处理后的废弃残渣开展了GTP调剖剂研究。
- The GTP is designed so that the specification of a concrete tunneling protocol is simple. GTP的设计是让实际隧道协议规范是简单的。
- The GIOP Tunneling Protocol (GTP) is an abstract, transportindependent protocol. GIOP隧道协议(GTP)是一个抽象的,传输层独立的协议。
- It is an intermediate in the DREBS CYCLE, and is formed from succinyl CoA in a reaction linked to the formation of GTP. 是Krebs循环的中间产物之一,来自乙酰辅酶A,反应过程涉及GTP的合成。
- The small GTPase Rab2 is a resident of pre-Golgi intermediates and required for protein transport from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the Golgi complex. Rab2处于前高尔基体的中介并承担着从内质网(ER)运输蛋白到高尔基体的任务。
- Forging a GTP will promote the EMR's overall competitiveness and hasten its economic restructuring. GTP的建成运作可以提升该都会经济区的总体竞争力,加快其经济重构的步伐。
- Two important novel genes, a putative GTPase DRP and a LIMdomain transcription factor DATl, were selected fOr further studies basedon bioinfOrmatic ana1ysis. 通过文献查阅与生物信息学分析,比较全面地了解了DA激活星形胶质细胞的信号传递机制及其相关功能意义,并且新基因的克隆为进一步的基因功能研究及其开发应用研究奠定了重要的基础。
- With the concerted effort of SAs and TAs, in almost all cases, the GTP remains higher than the ATP. 伴随着SA和TA的协调工作,在大部分情况下,GTP保持高于ATP。
- Run-down can be slowed greatly when the ATP and GTP are added to the pipette solution. 左心室肥大是肾衰病人常见的心血管系统并发症,如继续发展可导致死亡。